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Jennie Jones
Jennie Jones
"Indomitam lupus"

Jennie Jones, 30/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:6:27 AM
Join date:12 years, 9 months, 4 days ago
Location: Merseyside United Kingdom

"An untamed wolf who loves to play"
About me:
My name is Jennie I enjoy going outside into parks, fields, streets..anything. I am untamed and enjoy the free life. I go to College and will hopefully join my current partner in Uni. my favourite food is sushi, which is odd for a Lycan...but I'm not the most traditional girl :3 I love video-games, rock, metal, indie music, guitar, art etc ^_^ Don't be afraid to talk to me, I don't bite...usually :3
About you:
I'd like to meet friends ^_^ I'm usually quite shy because not many people have the same tastes as me around where I live. I enjoy anime, role playing, video games, music...a lot of things really :3 I'm friendly, a little sarcastic ^_^ Hope that doesn't offend xx
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Bi
Herds: Furries
5513 pts

Tom M
Tom M
70 pts
Mr Steve
Mr Steve
"Treacle Muffin"
50 pts
Jennie's tales
Jennie Jones
Today started with one lesson at college of ICT. It was terribly boring but hey, we all have to go through it
So, we then took the big double decker to a far off land...10 minutes away to Birkenhead Bus station where we got off to meet our good friend Megan. Megan is a natural red head, long, gorgeous ginger hair, thin and taller than me. We spent the day scanning the shops, I obtained a dvd named 'Constantine' for my partner, and a Metallica t-shirt for me for only £2.99...lucky missy I am.
Stephi sadly had to ponder off to her boyfriends home, and so I went to Megans for a lovely evening of American Horror Story, friendship and cottage pie! YumYum!

Jennie Jones "Indomitam lupus" Wild - 12 years, 9 months, 3 days ago
Jennie Jones
I went to Download festival this year ^_^ Oh what fun it was! The first day we arrived, it was extremely muddy D: But I didn't get my paws wet as I had wellies! We pitched up our shelter and I had to wait for my friends to return with our items...they were gone for 3 hours and I thought I had been abandoned D;
But then one of them appeared, and shortly after, the rest did ^^
Sadly, I missed my favourite band Billy Talent D: Saturday was a good day, the weather was nice and I bought the best helmet ever! Saved my head from others kicking me D;
Sunday was hectic but very sunny ^^ I bought my best friend a Collar for her pretty self.
Black Sabbath were amazing and the three nights there were magical <3
The first night, I drank some Jack Daniels and Energy drink and got a tiny bit tipsy...and I mated with my partner :3 teehee <3 Oh I also met Skindred <3
Jennie Jones
Jennie Jones "Indomitam lupus" Wild - 12 years, 9 months, 4 days ago

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