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Courtney-Ann Lesley Field | - Free online hangout and friends
Ashley owns this human at 12432 points.

Courtney-Ann Lesley Field
Courtney-Ann Lesley Field
"Snuggles ♥"

Courtney-Ann Lesley Field, 37/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:1:33 AM
Join date:12 years, 11 months, 17 days ago
Location: BRISBANE Australia

About me:
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Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight

Kurt Andrewartha
Kurt Andrewartha
50 pts
Courtney-Ann's tales
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Courtney-Ann Lesley Field
havent been on in a while!! heres the goss!!.. i am now an extremely proud mother to the most beautiful 3 month old baby boy in the world, he is and will always be my world, he is so beautiful, funny, sweeet, loving and just would not trade him for anything, he is my whole world in one tiny little body!!! A lot has happened in the year i have been away so lots of catching up to do!!!
much love
Courtney-Ann Lesley Field "Snuggles ♥" Loving - 11 years, 8 months, 8 days ago
Courtney-Ann Lesley Field
my newest tale - i went to do the dishes last night amd we had no hot water (how irritating), so i thought id be so awesomely smart and boil the jug, good idea right? at the time - to begin with - the BEST idea, at the end i tipped the jug a little further to get most of the water out and the lid fell into the sink and the steam came furociously out and burnt me :-( officially the worst idea ever now, gggaaaahhhhhhh. so painfull.
Courtney-Ann Lesley Field "Snuggles ♥" Loving - 12 years, 11 months, 4 days ago
Courtney-Ann Lesley Field
my newest tale - i went to do the dishes last night amd we had no hot water (how irritating), so i thought id be so awesomely smart and boil the jug, good idea right? at the time - to begin with - the BEST idea, at the end i tipped the jug a little further to get most of the water out and the lid fell into the sink and the steam came furociously out and burnt me :-( officially the worst idea ever now, gggaaaahhhhhhh. so painfull.
Courtney-Ann Lesley Field "Snuggles ♥" Loving - 12 years, 11 months, 4 days ago
Courtney-Ann Lesley Field
I can honestly say I'm rather confused as to why people feel the need to whine and bitch and carry on so rudely and hurtful behind someone's back and be so backstabbingly nice to ones face. What the fu** why can't u just say it to my face you gutless piece of work. Seriously, if you think I'm fat or u think I'm ugly tell me don't snigger behind me and be friendly to me I'm not about that at all, if I have an issue with people I tell them to their face, this is not me whining it's venting, I gave the people the chance to tell me but they didn't. And what's with people judging me all the god damn time? Did u know before now? Do u know my past? Do I know much hurt I have endured and how that hurt has made me the person I am today? No, the answer is no, there is so much you don't know about me, so much you will never know about me because in my mind - no one needs to go thru hearing what I have seen and endured myself in my 24 years... How is a person supposed to move on and improve and achieve their goals with you constantly putting them down every second moment of every day? It's not fair, I've shown nothing nothing but compassion and love and kindness to these people but I have nothing to show for it, nothing at all, all I want is to fit in, not everywhere, but somewhere... Just somewhere....
Courtney-Ann Lesley Field "Snuggles ♥" Loving - 12 years, 11 months, 6 days ago
Courtney-Ann Lesley Field
CAN U TELL I HAD A BAD DAY? well guess again - this day was horrid!!! why do bad days consist of EVERYTHING BAD, grr, why couldnt one thing just go wrong and then b done with it? no - of course not, it starts at 5am and ends at 9pm, the entire day, tomorrow is a new day - it had better be a good day or else ima crack a little shitty... hope all the peeops out there having a bad day can see some joy that mine was probably worse... wish u all a happy friday x
Courtney-Ann Lesley Field
Courtney-Ann Lesley Field "Snuggles ♥" Loving - 12 years, 11 months, 13 days ago
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Dean "xoxo" - 10 years, 2 months, 1 day ago
Maya Papaya

Malamute puppies. You have been given Malamute puppies. .
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Maya Papaya "MyFairyQueen NFS" Constant thought.... smiles... - 11 years, 7 months, 17 days ago

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Michael Playful - 11 years, 7 months, 28 days ago
Welcome back Courtney- Ann - and congratulations on the birth of your son - :) - - -
ツ Stopping by to say hi ツ You have been given ツ Stopping by to say hi ツ.
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Unknown - 11 years, 7 months, 28 days ago
G'day there my pet!
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Fantastic-Greg "My Aussie Dream" Loyal - 11 years, 8 months, 5 days ago
Fantastic-Greg "My Aussie Dream" Loyal - 11 years, 8 months, 9 days ago
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Courtney-Ann's shop

just somewhere to find cute things :-) i hope i can give something cute to everyone :-)

only the deepest of love - for u
1 use

400 pts
only the deepest of love - for u
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shall we picnic my love?
1 use

300 pts
shall we picnic my love?
Bought by 3 people
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300 pts
Bought by 11 people
so simple - so intimate
1 use

300 pts
so simple - so intimate
Bought by 4 people
LOVE - in every shape and form
1 use

300 pts
LOVE - in every shape and form
Bought by 11 people
never let me go
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300 pts
never let me go
Bought by 10 people
forever mine
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500 pts
forever mine
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forever alone
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7000 pts
forever alone
Bought by 11 people

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