"Jumping back on after a long time of being away, but am still just a goofball of a pup."
About me:
I am a very shy person that happened upon this site by doing a google search for human pets. I've been away for sometime meeting new people and exploring a little with the friends I've made. Come to find out that my spirit animal is more likely to be a puppy drake as I act very much like a dog when I'm happy.
About you:
Just message me or pet me either way you will get to know me a little more. I can never really think of the right words to put together to give a good idea of who I am. In the end I just get along with most people and do what I think is write for the situation.
Family has been visiting lately, which just means I'm about to beat my head through a wall. It also means that I tend to jump on and off randomly through out the day as I have time away from the family. Bit "Madame's Puppy"Sparkling
- 3 years, 5 months, 16 days ago
Woo! Spent the whole day driving back home from visiting family. After such a long drive just laying around and resting for the rest of the evening is the best. Bit "Madame's Puppy"Sparkling
- 3 years, 5 months, 23 days ago
I'm kind of back after a long time away from HP. Was away for a while now as I felt a little out of place sliding back into my life after getting out of the military. Bit "Madame's Puppy"Sparkling
- 3 years, 5 months, 24 days ago
A little change of pace it seems with a new face as an owner. I'll keep my expectations open just as long as she will scratch behind my ears from time to time. OwO Bit "Madame's Puppy"Sparkling
- 8 years, 10 months, 6 days ago
I'm pretty sure at this point that my owner might have gone away.... That might be what happens when I ended up not being able to log online as much. =w= Bit "Madame's Puppy"Sparkling
- 8 years, 10 months, 13 days ago