
Zombie's tales
Hello my HP lovelys, soory for being absent. Got wrapped up in life. Hope no one missed me to much
Zombie Princess Sparkling
- 12 years, 9 months, 15 days ago
play along : you see me in the cop car, what did i get arrested for? comment below then set as and see how many crazy, weird, funny and cooky comments you get
Zombie Princess Sparkling
- 13 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
Q:What should you do if you see your Ex in pain, limping and bleeding??? A:Take a deep breath, reload, aim and fire again.
Zombie Princess Sparkling
- 13 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
3 bottles of bleach: $15.00. One rope, 3 rolls of duct tape, and a shovel: $35.00. 3 boxes of trash bags: $10.00. The look on the cashier's face: Priceless! :D
Zombie Princess Sparkling
- 13 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
You should know, when someone pisses you off, it takes forty-eight muscles to frown but only two to pull a trigger.
Zombie Princess Sparkling
- 13 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
Zombieland USA
Zombieland fum
Most recent customers:
"gone for good"
50 pts
Owned by Sexy Ass!!
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19527 pts
Linda P
"Naughty Kittyღ"
7166250 pts
Cute as always. =D
Sweet Angel
"My Angel ❤️"
4813249 pts
"My Kind Soul"
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