The Great White shark (Carcharodon carcharias) has always fascinated me. Well, sharks in general fascinate me, but I’m going to focus on the Great White. Great White’s are voracious animals that feed on fish and other sharks. They consume differently as they grow, starting out small then they feed on larger marine life and sometimes feed on carcasses. They attack with a “surprise effect”, coming up from below quickly and biting, at times gravely. Sometimes they even attack humans, but oddly enough don’t consume them in whole, so these attacks are most likely accidents.
Sharks have been portrayed to be fearsome and violent creatures by the media. To be quite honest, more people die from dogs within a year than by a shark within the last 100 years. When they do attack people, it’s one bite. They probably mistook them for marine life, which would explain why they don’t finish what they started, don’t you think?
If sharks came out of the closet, they’d probably want to give a big “fuck you” to all the bullshit that has been portrayed of them. And I’m curious, prior to the movie Jaws, what event occurred to make this film, did a shark attack someone? Was it just because they look like violent creatures? Or was it simply that it would look cool if someone was eaten by a shark, which by all means, hurray to them, they’ve caught my attention!
The image being put out that they circle you as portend of an attack is also just hearsay. In fact, sharks swim in a circle around something to basically “size it up”; they’re just seeing what they are encountering in the water which is also only out of curiosity. Due to their structure, they have to swim certain ways. So, when they are coming to surface to seek something out, in order to keep eye contact with it, they have to keep their backs to open water. That’s why the image of their first dorsal fin being above the water before an alleged attack.
Sharks tend to work solo. Therefore, that’s probably why they consume other sharks. Sharks are believed to not even care for their young, which leaves the young sharks vulnerable to be picked off by another shark, larger in size.
Sharks have more reason to be afraid of us, since fisherman can wipe out an entire species because sharks don’t reproduce that often. Everything that is depicted of sharks being “scary” has a purpose behind them doing it, and it’s not to intimidate humans. Humans just have this overwhelming feeling that they need to be the bigger picture all the time. They seem to think that everything is about them. Well, sorry, not meaning to diss my fellow humans here but shut the fuck up and accept that you aren’t everyone’s idea of perfection, especially not to sharks when it comes to their digestive systems. Thanks for reading.
NinjaKittiX "NINJA KITTY " Adventurous
- 13 years, 4 months ago