Heart, Soul and Spirit
.....In the cold shimmering light of the full moon I ran through the forest as my heart beat faster and faster, i could smell the pine, taste the fog as I rushed through the velvet darkness, this was my night, my time to once again be free, to shapeshift into my spirit guide and run with the pack once again.
....For many moons I have escaped the life as a human girl to shapeshift into wolf and roam freely through my beloved mountains to be free to feel my spirit soar ...off to my right i sence the gray one before he runs into my line of vision , you honor me my brother i say to him in my mind, for here no words are needed , tonight i am one of the pack i can communicate with my brothers and sisters as the ancient ones have done many moons before me.... I am heart,soul,and spirit, we are one~
....My brother gray one leads the way as we climb higher and higher up the mountain staying under the cover of the forest , but that is fine by me i love the smell of the forest pines, the earth as our paws kick up the dirt around us, the way the fog hangs low to the paths made by ancestors over the years, i can see the cold vapor my breath makes as i inhale the cold crisp night air, I'm so alive, so intuned to everything... we pick up speed as the excitement of the night draws us to a great frenzy.
......My sister pale dawn, mate to gray ones moves in beside me so we can run side by side sharing the spiritual secrets that the forest holds , a doe leaps from the brush fear in her eyes as she spies the pack rushing toward her ,..." have no fear", my sister i whisper to her as we run by , for tonight it isn't hunger that calls to us but a great need that has to be filled , relief makes her heart pound loudly as she darts off in a different direction glad to have another night to roam freely knowing how lucky she is mother earth spared her this night the circle of life cycle.
......Tonight its the great spirit calling out to us , biding us to climb higher up where brother eagle soars , keeping watch over mother earth and all the spiritual ones roaming below.Tonight we are one , connected in the circle never ending , tonight we go to talk to brother moon , a ritual as old as time itself ,tonight we give thanks to the creator of all living things.
.......Reaching the top of the mountain i join my brothers and sister's raising my voice to; sky,where creator lives looking down on us giving us blessings and knowledge protecting us as we travel life journied paths..our howls fill the night with age old song ," oh great spirit hear our cry give us harmony and balance and peace with all creation,"...I feel the song deep inside my spirit , I am free, I am shapeshifter, I am wolf , I am Heart,Soul,and Spirit, I am me native american cherokee ,.~
Waya Sky Eyes Wild
- 13 years, 5 months, 9 days ago