Cold winter`s coming now and snow to fall;
The time to wear the glove, the overcoat.
Hot chocolate, soups, and fires this times does call.
'The best of times for love.' Some human wrote.
No flowers now, not all the trees in green.
No shiny days, no happy birds outside,
But snow will have and weather cold we will have seen,
And some will have a home, in it abide.
And me, poor me, what then with poor me so?
Who has no company for night of love.
I`ll be glad with my room, though woman no
And hope a winter soon God sends me a dove.
So then me not so poor; I have a place.
Some are worse off which makes far worse their case
jessy depauw "Tjoklit cupcake" happy !!!!
- 13 years, 5 months, 2 days ago