"Only in Darkness can you Understand what you have seen in the Light"
About me:
I am a switch though those capable of being dominant to me are few. I am exceedingly strong willed and sadistic. I don't like pictures of myself so avoid cameras which is odd considering I've done some modeling. I like taking pictures and I like making things 'pretty'. I love beautiful things whether it be people, pictures, music, or any other artistic subject. I am a lover of games! D&D and WoD are most common but I will happily play almost any game. I'm always up for making friends but be warned I'm extremely honest which makes me come across as having a, shall we say 'coarse' personality.
~Dazrael P.S.- I love questions so feel free to ask anything.
About you:
If you are like the squirrel acceptance will be yours.
My girlfriend isn't having sex with me for 2 weeks cause an angel told her she needed to if she wanted to find a job. FML Dazrael Arcaina Arianos"Black Flame"Lonely
- 13 years, 5 months, 29 days ago
Dubstep of the game I've been addicted to for like the last 2 months.