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Cunty VonTwatington | - Free online hangout and friends
Brandon owns this human at 551250 points.

Cunty VonTwatington

Cunty VonTwatington
Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: ® Ŧ ῌ € ≈ Ƶ ʘ ʘ ™, The New MMss, Daddy's Office [Private], Double M Bondage
Cunty's tales
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Cunty VonTwatington
Daphne Gottlieb (Why Things Burn)

“You told me you like my mouth. You want to kiss me.

My mouth is a wound and you want to kiss me.

But you’re like that: You want to go leaping over cliffs–you want to go drinking poison and then write pretty poems about it–and all I want to do is fuck you.

You want flowers and sonnets and us to be together until the end of the world and I’d just like a blow job, I’d just like to be friends. that’s what I’d really like. Something warm and snuggly like a friendship. and to fuck you.

The flowers are going to die and the cliffs are going to erode and we might as well go fuck since we’re going to anyway. We’ll fuck and fight and eat and drink and smoke and fuck and smoke and fuck and get married

And in six months from now we’ll stop making the world stop to fuck each other

and one year from now I’ll get fat and you’ll go bald and I’ll take prozac and you’ll take viagra I’ll get obsessed with my biological clock and my career and you’ll get obsessed with your hairline and your career

and two years from now you’d rather watch reruns than fuck me and I’d rather be drinking than fuck you so we’ll drink in separate bars and one night someone who likes my mouth will buy me a drink that drink will be attached to a hand there will be a human holding that drink the kind with ears

and I will tell whoever it is all about you and how we used to forget to eat when we were in bed for three days and your ears will be burning across town where you are telling whoever it is how I don’t understand you

and two years from now, that girl with that drink she will nod that yes that I am nodding at you tonight that nod, that yes that means you’re not coming home because just for a second the world has gone away because just for a second there’s someone who understands you

and that night it will be her pretty mouth you want and that night I will pass out at home, alone with a bottle that reminds me of us because it’ll be empty because it’ll be gone I will pass out waiting for you to come home listening to country music–and I hate country music–but I’ll be feeling tragic it’ll be the most romantic moment I’ve ever had and I’ll be alone

and you’ll be across town with that girl who right now is in high school and right now I just met you and right now I think you should take me home and fuck me because it only gets uglier from here we only get uglier from here so take me to the edge of that cliff you love and pour me a shot of your silky poison you can take this mouth this wound you want but you can’t kiss and make it better.”
Cunty VonTwatington Unleashed - 12 years, 5 months, 27 days ago
Cunty VonTwatington
Membership ends in 22ish hours.
Don't send me any goodies that I won't be able to see after that. ♥
Cunty VonTwatington Unleashed - 12 years, 7 months, 3 days ago
Cunty VonTwatington
Thanks a ton to everyone who sent birthday wishes! ♥
Cunty VonTwatington Unleashed - 12 years, 9 months, 21 days ago
Cunty VonTwatington
3 more days until my birthday arrives, lovelies.
Cunty VonTwatington Unleashed - 12 years, 9 months, 25 days ago
Cunty VonTwatington
Birthday is next Thursday, the 24th.
Leave me lots of goody lovins. ♥
Cunty VonTwatington Unleashed - 12 years, 9 months, 28 days ago
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Catrina Henry
you have a great shop!
dragonfly gaze You have been given dragonfly gaze.
Crafted by Maia LeBreton
Catrina Henry "MY angel NFS" Feisty - 11 years, 1 month, 13 days ago
Miss Mayhem
Damnit don't tell me you left. :O
I finally got on and guess what.. I misses your face. :(
I AM PREGNANT AGAIN. Haha. 14 weeks left, having a boy this time. :)
Miss Mayhem - 12 years, 1 month, 6 days ago

You have been given When two lips meet . . ..
Crafted by Ragini
Brandon "💔RIP My Boy" ® Ŧ ῌ € ≈ Ƶ ʘ ʘ ™ - 12 years, 1 month, 20 days ago

i WaNnA GrAb YoUr AsS You have been given i WaNnA GrAb YoUr AsS.
Crafted by Ragini
Brandon "💔RIP My Boy" ® Ŧ ῌ € ≈ Ƶ ʘ ʘ ™ - 12 years, 1 month, 20 days ago
Great shop!!.xx
An Orgasm ! You have been given An Orgasm !.
Crafted by Darbella
Paul HORNY - 12 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
Tommy Jones
We could have fun
You have been given A Happy New Year.
Crafted by Neurosis
Tommy Jones "Angel's Ghost" DEVIL IN DISGUISE - 12 years, 2 months, 10 days ago
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