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lexi | - Free online hangout and friends
lexi owns this human at 262500 points.

"David's Lexi🌹"

lexi , 38/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:6:25 AM
Join date:13 years, 8 months, 13 days ago
Location: Canada

"life is what you make it "
About me:
take life by the horns and push back or you will fall like the rest. love and life are only what you want them to be if you want it to be that way.
About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Bi

"David's Lexi🌹"
262500 pts
miss evy 1
104999 pts
lexi's tales
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Ok question is texting and sending pics while in a relationship cheating.?
lexi "David's Lexi🌹" - 8 years, 1 month, 18 days ago
At first sight I appear rough and jagged. As if I had been hurt and misused. Absent and a distaste for human interaction. But looking into my appearance that is what you see. I am rough from all the falls I have taken. I'm jagged from hurt words and actions that have been done unto me. I have been used by selfish justified people. I distance myself from future pain that could be caused. That is not all that is seen. There is light in my eyes. A sprit of hope and peace. Laughter and joy. Strong love and beliefs. You may read my body. But looking into my eyes is where the real truth is kept
lexi "David's Lexi🌹" - 10 years, 4 months, 18 days ago
ive been up and down. been held up and dropped. im trying to get back on my feet again so bare with me. when things get calm ill be back more. miss you guys
lexi "David's Lexi🌹" - 10 years, 8 months ago

1. Kissed any one of your HP friends?
2. Been arrested?
3. Kissed someone you didn't like?
4. Slept in until 5 PM?
5. Fallen asleep at work/school?
6. Held a snake?
7. Ran a red light?
8. Been suspended from school?
9. Totaled your car/motorbike in an accident?
10. Been fired from a job?
11. Sang karaoke?
12. Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?
13. Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?
14. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
15. Kissed in the rain?
16. Kissed in a pool?
17. Sang in the shower?
18. Sat on a rooftop?
19. Danced on a roof top?
20. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes?
21. Broken a bone?
22. Shaved your head?
23. Blacked out from drinking?
24. Played a prank on someone?
25. Felt like killing someone?
26. Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry?
27. Had Mexican jumping beans for pets?
28. Been in a band?
29. Shot a gun?
30. Tripped on mushrooms?
31. Donated Blood?
32. Eaten alligator meat?
33. Eaten cheesecake?
34. Still love someone you shouldn't?
35. Think about the future?
36. Believe in love?
37. Sleep on a certain side of the bed?
38. Been in a fight?
39. Eaten a large tub of popcorn at the movies?
40. Had sex in a public place?
41. Have a tattoo?
42. Called in sick due to a hangover?
43. Fulfilled a favourite fantasy?
44. Stolen something?
45. Lied about being married?
46. Are you pierced?
47. Believe in love at first sight?
48. Found your soul mate?
49. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?

lexi "David's Lexi🌹" - 10 years, 9 months, 1 day ago
Sick and lost my voice. Sigh
lexi "David's Lexi🌹" - 10 years, 9 months, 2 days ago
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LadY HeatheN

A Late Night Visit You have been given A Late Night Visit.
Crafted by The Witcher
LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" We Will Own You - 3 years, 13 days ago

A different perspective You have been given A different perspective .
Crafted by Aloe
NirvInch "Bestie" Tear me to pieces, Skin to bone - 4 years, 11 months, 25 days ago

a lil’ dance for you ツ You have been given a lil’ dance for you ツ.
Crafted by White Wolf
NirvInch "Bestie" Tear me to pieces, Skin to bone - 4 years, 11 months, 25 days ago
Hello :-)
An Under The Sheets Invite!~ You have been given An Under The Sheets Invite!~.
Crafted by Jaidie
CrzyK "canadian cutie" Playful - 5 years, 7 months, 25 days ago
Devilish David

I will always treasure you You have been given I will always treasure you .
Crafted by Unknown
Devilish David "Mi Devil <3" The Devil Inside 😈 - 5 years, 8 months, 4 days ago
Devilish David

So here I am 😎 You have been given So here I am 😎.
Crafted by Denise Rose
Devilish David "Mi Devil <3" The Devil Inside 😈 - 5 years, 8 months, 8 days ago
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lexi's shop
lexis shop

1 use

1010 pts
Bought by 38 people
i promise ill never let you go
1 use

200 pts
i promise ill never let you go
Bought by 14 people
just live <3
1 use

200 pts
just live &lt;3
Bought by 15 people
hello <3
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200 pts
hello &lt;3
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life savers
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200 pts
life savers
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random thingamabobs :0
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200 pts
random thingamabobs :0
Bought by 20 people
oh. ok
1 use

200 pts
oh. ok
Bought by 20 people
be my rain
1 use

200 pts
be my rain
Bought by 35 people
ill love you always
1 use

200 pts
ill love you always
Bought by 52 people
my hearts on fire fo you
1 use

200 pts
my hearts on fire fo you
Bought by 31 people
a flower for you
1 use

200 pts
a flower for you
Bought by 53 people
i need a hug please
1 use

200 pts
i need a hug please
Bought by 44 people
hello my name is .........
1 use

200 pts
hello my name is .........
Bought by 14 people
im lazy today
1 use

200 pts
im lazy today
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here be some candy :)
1 use

200 pts
here be some candy :)
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