1. Try to look unimportant; the enemy may be low on ammo and not want to waste a bullet on you.
2. If at first you don't succeed, call in an air strike.
3. Never go to bed with anyone crazier than yourself.
4. Never forget that your weapon was made by the lowest bidder.
5. If your attack is going really well, it's an ambush.
6. The enemy invariably attacks on two occasions:
a. When they're ready.
b. When you're not.
7. Five second fuses always burn three seconds.
8. Never draw fire; it irritates everyone around you.
9. Incoming fire has the right of way.
10. If the enemy is within range, so are you.
11. The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire.
12. Anything you do can get you killed, including nothing.
13. Professional soldiers are predictable; the world is full of dangerous amateurs.
14. Sniper's motto: reach out and touch someone.
15. When in doubt, empty your magazine.
16. The complexity of a weapon is inversely proportional to the IQ of the weapon's operator.
17. No matter which way you have to march, its always uphill.
18. If enough data is collected, a board of inquiry can prove anything.
19. Success occurs when no one is looking, failure occurs when the General is watching.
20. The enemy never monitors your radio frequency until you broadcast on an unsecured channel.
21. When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not your friend.
Gibson "Nanook" Growling
- 13 years, 12 months, 1 day ago