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tarieness | - Free online hangout and friends
chic owns this human at 888888 points.

"ღbunny haroღ"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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tarieness's tales
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moved to a new house... it's bigger.. more space... but i find that i absolutely HATE MOVING.. -__-"... so much work... blahh... going to WI in about 2 wks... shall rendezvous with joseph there :3... and then get to spend two amazing weeks with my future slave :3.. MUAHAHAHHA... hehe i do miss him :3... gonna make him buy me everything I TOUCH *___*... that's what he gets for only visiting me once a yr for 2 wks... get my monies worth MUAHAHA... hehehe j/k i'll be nice :3... sorta... la la la
tarieness "ღbunny haroღ" Hungry - 13 years, 10 months, 6 days ago
my newest obession :3.. AHHHH SANDUEL IS SO HOTTT... i'm sad he's only 19 though TT^TT... younger than me by 3 yrs... ughhh.. but he's so hottt... it's only 3 yrs right... I CAN TOTALLY BE A COUGAR!!! lol... for him i would ahahah... sokay it's the thing to date younger guys anyways right... i can totally do it... ahhaha sighhh so i'm a stalker so... so far this is what i've gathered on him eheheh

real name: Lee Jung Hwan
Role: Main Vocals
Birthday: March 20th, 1992

This is their MV OK... sighh i love it hehe

tarieness "ღbunny haroღ" Hungry - 13 years, 11 months, 6 days ago
I WENT GEM MINING TODAY :3... tis addicting @___@... but really fun :3... i got lots of goodies.. however i don't really know what they are o__o.. lol... too lazy to chart them... i wanna get them cut TT^TT... but i'm a poor kid so i don't care... lol... i'll just give them away... :P... skipped out on school.. yeah i'm a rebel...j/k i feel terrible... TT^TT... my asianness keeps me from breaking rules... i'm a terrible person... ahhhh... i'm sorry TT^TT... PLEASE FORGIVE ME WORLDDDD
tarieness "ღbunny haroღ" Hungry - 13 years, 11 months, 14 days ago
I R SICK... IT NOT COOL... totally coughing my lungs out... and giving myself a headache in the process.... ughhhh not to mention while i was working on my art project i stabbed myself in the calf with an exacto knife... I HAVE A STICKEN EXTRA HOLE IN ME... IT'S SICKKK... BLAHHHHH... dear friends please pray that i'll stop being fail... PLEASEEE TT^TT
tarieness "ღbunny haroღ" Hungry - 13 years, 11 months, 18 days ago
why is it that everyone i know on here is either from taiwan or singapore?? WHY DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE TO BE HALF WAY ACROSS THE WORLD HUHHH HUHHHH... tis not fun not being able to chat with you crazies... one of these days we should all set up a GET ON AT THIS TIME SO WE CAN TALK TOGETHER DAY.. it'll be fun i'll bring cookies :3... and yep you know it MILLKK AHHHHHH... don't worry i'll eat it for you and make it look nummie you may even get the joy of seeing me eat them... mmm :3.. ahah lol... but seriously everyone is half way across the world... why is that o_o?? why can't you people be from my backyard huh?? huh?? then we could actually hang out... :P... yes that's right I'M MAD AT YOU XPPP... now gimmie candy and we'll call it even ^__o.. la la la
tarieness "ღbunny haroღ" Hungry - 14 years, 6 days ago
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hey pet~ you have been absent for very huh? LOL
chic "♥" - 13 years, 3 months ago

You Turn Me On You have been given You Turn Me On.
Crafted by Chris
Hendy "welcome u back" Playful - 13 years, 5 months, 20 days ago

Want to play? You have been given Want to play?.
Crafted by Emily
Hopkin "My bear" "Ribbit" - 13 years, 5 months, 29 days ago

Happy Birthday! You have been given Happy Birthday!.
Crafted by Emily
Hopkin "My bear" "Ribbit" - 13 years, 6 months, 1 day ago
Chea "I am a meanie" - 13 years, 6 months, 1 day ago
Harold Lee
i am bored
Harold Lee "My Wuwu" Cheeky - 13 years, 6 months, 16 days ago
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tarieness's shop

all things cute, funny, sweet, and beautiful ^__o

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you know it's true
1 use

200 pts
you know it's true
Bought by 8 people
beautiful, unique, and mine
1 use

200 pts
beautiful, unique, and mine
Bought by 17 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 17 people
poke poke poke
1 use

200 pts
poke poke poke
Bought by 26 people
lonely </3
1 use

200 pts
lonely &lt;/3
Bought by 3 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 8 people
i'm bored :P
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200 pts
i'm bored :P
Bought by 4 people
come play with me.. puwees :3
1 use

200 pts
come play with me.. puwees :3
Bought by 9 people
missing you
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200 pts
missing you
Bought by 15 people
nap time
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200 pts
nap time
Bought by 13 people
kiss me here
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200 pts
kiss me here
Bought by 4 people
i need you T^T
1 use

200 pts
i need you T^T
Bought by 2 people
hold me
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200 pts
hold me
Bought by 4 people
i found you and now you're mine
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200 pts
i found you and now you're mine
Bought by 28 people
you're so cool
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200 pts
you're so cool
Bought by 19 people
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Peace and Love
Canadian Beaver
Canadian Beaver
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Winter is coming...♥
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