Today, i went to the beach, and spent a lovely afternoon at the beach.
It was a beautiful day, a bit cloudy but warm.
It was fun playing in the sand, and relaxing in my chair, watching the choppy waters
hit the shore. i saw my first surfer, and asked him how the waves were, and he said "pretty awesome".
The best part was watching the sun set through dark grey clouds, and the fog beginning
to shroud the distant hotels, further down the beach, and listening to waves, which is so always relaxing.
As it got darker, we decided to go, and make it across the bridge before darkness fell.
i sadly said "goodbye" to the ocean, as it will be the last time i'll visit the beach, untill next year.
The drive across the bridge, was as always a mixture of sentiment, with the setting sun, and the dark clouds, and the beautiful sea, reflecting any light, glimmering upon it.
The main thing i thought of were all of my beautiful, and sweet friends in HP, and how i wished i could share this experience with them.
Michael Carter "Shutterfly" Loving
- 13 years, 4 months, 1 day ago