Katherine Pierce (Katerina Petrova)
Birthdate - 1475 (age 17/535)
Unnamed Parents (Deceased)
Unnamed Daughter (Deceased)
Elena Gilbert (Descendant)
Isobel Saltzman (Descendant)
Alaric Saltzman (Relative by marriage)
Socialite (Middle 19th Century)
Vampire - Petrova Doppelgänger
Transfiguration Date - 1492 by Rose
Significant Sires - Stefan and Damon Salvatore, many of the tomb vampires
Significant Kills - Caroline Forbes, Aimee Bradley
Status - Imprisoned in tomb
Cause of Death - Hung herself (as a human)
Killed By - Suicide (as a human)
Katherine "~Lost~" Thirsty
- 14 years, 3 months, 19 days ago