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Erica Reed | - Free online hangout and friends
Cliff Roper
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Erica Reed

Erica Reed, 36/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:2:38 PM
Join date:14 years, 3 months, 14 days ago
Location: Caldwell United States

"a brat!"
About me:
ok lets see... i am 22 years old, i live in an apartment in caldwell and dont have much family. I am a nanny to a set of adorable twin boys who are 5 months old and I am fantastic at my job, I dont make much though. :( I give myself to everyone and everything precious in my life, kind of to the point of breakage and I love as much as I can even if the love isnt returned. I have a twin sister, Savannah, who is one of the most amazing people I know. And a best friend named Jen. I also met the love of my life Anthony and am engaged to be married to him altho not for a few years. I am an excellent chef and love to cook, I plan on going to culinary school in North Carolina next year so that one day I can open my own restaurant. I am also a writer. I have 2 cats, 4 bearded dragons and 2 chincillas. I like animals more than people. ANd thats about it.
About you:
I would like to meet people to become a part of my family. My parents pretty much suck as a whole and when all is said and done at the end of the day, it makes me sad that they couldnt be better people but it also makes me happy that i am nothing like them. i still wish them a merry christmas and send them presents, i also call them on their birthdays, they havent called me in two years. it goes without saying that I have serious trust issues and dont get along with people so well. My fiance is the closest thing to family I have other than my sister Savannah. I would like it if I could change that.
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Wolfy's Pack, Wolfy's Harem, Anti-Sun

Rob Rafferty
Rob Rafferty
50 pts
Erica's tales
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Erica Reed
hey so i just became a mary kay consultant... n e one want a free make over let me know... i have some great stuff and its free. :)
Erica Reed Serene - 13 years, 11 months, 8 days ago
Erica Reed
mmm... great weekend! looks like my fiance actually stepped up and decided to change things. I am happy. :)
Erica Reed Serene - 14 years, 1 month, 3 days ago
Erica Reed
this week has been crazy. i dont even know where to begin. I guess I will start with the fact that for the longest time I havent been happy. Those of u that read my posts know that. There are parts of my day that i am happy though that no one till now has known about. Those parts are when i talk to this boy. his name as it will be on here is Mr. Macaroni. And for the last 2 months we have been talking nonstop on facebook chat. I was unemployed and so was he... and we just spent the time talking. The twist in this tale is that he is one of my fiances oldest friends. :/ anyways... weve had numerous conversations thru messages too and in one of his messages he told me how he no longer found his gf of five years attractive. To me, he was able to be open and honest about anything and visa versa... well a few days ago his gf got jealous of us always talking and went through his messages when he wasnt home. she found the messages about how he no longer loved her and he wasnt happy. how she was the only girl he didnt have feelings for or like at all b4 he started dating her. I felt so bad when he told me she found these things as obviously he wasnt going to tell her those things to her face. And altho we never flirted or expressed any feelings towards each other whatsoever, his gf picked up on something and pointed it out to him. He admitted it to me and I realized it myself... i have feelings for Mr. Macaroni. but i find that impossible! i hardly know him and weve never met. just talked online. so we talked about it and his gf obviously left him but in the past few days since she has hes gotten sullen, depressed and distant. idk what i feel for him n e more... i just kno i get excited when i get a message from him finally or i kno i miss him when he isnt online or doesnt text. what does that mean?

so last nite i told my fiance. it was one of the hardest things ive ever had to do. and he saw, altho i didnt say it that i was no longer in love with him. That was the hardest thing for me to face. He took it so well tho surprisingly. I couldnt believe it! he wasnt angry at all... actually he said to... " i dont want to leave u. I will fix it. I will fix everything wrong with us cuz i kno its my fault and i pushed u away. I know I have to grow up and I love you so much I believe there is a chance for us still."
well of course I sat there stunned. he also said things that made me feel 2 feet tall... like how im one of the only ppl that has ever made him feel truly happy... or how he didnt care that he didnt have many friends because he had me. It was a shot thru my heart. I broke down. He didnt even ask me to stop talking to Mr. Macaroni! he said he would never ask that of me... and if i am meant to be with Mr. Macaroni then so be it but that he has to kno that he tried his hardest to keep me... i feel like the worst person ever... and i dont kno where I stand with Mr. Macaroni... what do i do?
Erica Reed Serene - 14 years, 1 month, 4 days ago
Erica Reed
so last nite, anthony and i went out to dinner. Before we went to dinner he seemed mopey. Then we left, we got lost becuz he cnt follow directions and doesnt know his way around the state. I do. I asked to drive he refused to let me, got pissy and snapped at me. We were meeting a mutual friend of ours, shes more my friend than his, but she offered to treat us to dinner. When we finally got there, anthony sat in the corner of the booth, not speaking even when directly spoken to and playing on his phone the whole nite. He even refused at first to order even though he was very hungry. I had a few alcoholic drinks, a few more than i usually do cuz i couldnt deal with his behavior. When we got in the car i cried the whole way home. When we started talking about things, I was a lil drunk and everything just came pouring out. How all he is is mean to me anymore, how no one wants to be around him anymore, including a bunch of HIS friends who said theyd rather spend time with me, which didnt make me feel good at all. And all he could say to that was that he didnt care. so i told him i didnt want to marry him n e more. i told him that i didnt want him to come to North Carolina becuz hed be even more miserable than he is now, except thered b new ppl hed make an awful impression on and new friends of mine that hed insult. Our friend that we went out with last night felt insulted... and rightly so. she invited US out to dinner and offered to pay just for him to sit in the corner of the booth and ignore everyone all nite.

When i asked him point blank why hes been so mean and treating me so awfully lately, all he could say was that he was jealous of me, jealous that I had friends and he didnt. But that isnt the case in the least. He has a lot more friends than i do, hes just been pushing them away. And my friends, the 3 of them that i actually trust and consider family, live 2, 7 and 10 hours away from me. plus i pointed out that he has family where i do not. when i explained all of this to him and put it in perspective, then asked him again why hes been so mean and awful to me lately, he couldnt answer.

today when we spoke, he told me he was going to the doctor and have the doctor put him back on his antidepressants. but i dont believe that is going to solve anything and i told him so. antidepressants arent going to teach him how to be more social, or treat other ppl respectfully. They arent going to teach him how to treat me like im the most important person in the world to him or like im his other half. they arent going to teach him how to be romantic or treat me special and make me feel safe and happy. Nowadays, as sad as this sounds, im happier when we arent with eachother.

so after i talked and told him how i felt, u kno what he got outa what i said? that he doesnt have money so he cant buy me whatever i want. That wasnt what i had said at all. what i had said was that i would do anything for him, i couldnt say the same about him doing that for me. he totally mistconstrued that.

2 months before i met anthony, i was in this awful relationship (if u could even call it that) with this guy named pete. i spent a year with him, thinking i could some day b with him. He would tell me horrible things, completely broke me down, would tell me i was fat and ugly and then the next day call me, somehow convince me to come over and rape me. and i would say no, but in the end he would somehow manipulate me to do it. I hated it. I felt like shit, felt dirty and hated myself. Anyways, one nite i was lying in bed with him, he had moved into my new apartment with me and we only had one bed and a reclining chair, and he would wake me up and 3am, fuck me and then fall asleep, not holding me mind u or anything like that.
This one particular night i fell back asleep and fell into this other world so to speak. it was beautiful. I was standing on the beach, wind blowing my hair and i could feel the sun on my face. it was one of those dreams that felt so very real. Anyway, i walked into this huge house which was right on the beach. The house smelled of ocean air, which is my favorite smell in all the world, and my family was in the livingroom, my dad, my stepmom, my brothers. everyone. and usually im very nervous around them... but all of a sudden this man comes up behind me, and wraps his arms around me. i cnt see his face but his lips brush my cheek and he smiles... i remembered his smile. and all i feel is serenity... safety. i woke up so happy. i could still feel that embrace and the kiss on my cheek. i could still c that smile in my mind.

2 months later i met anthony. and the minute he touched my hand, the dream came rushing back and then he smiled. that smile still lights up a room for me. like when i bought him his first bearded dragon. or the first time i said i love u... and his embrace relaxes me just like the one in my dream, too bad he wont touch me when we r out in public or in front of ppl at all.

i would do n e thing for this kid... i think thats the worst part about this cuz he knows that. so he knows when i threaten to leave, i could never actually do it. i love him too much. far more than he loves me. and i explained that was how i felt and he just denies it. i explained how i could write pages and talk for hours about the reasons and ways i love him... when i ask him y he loves me, all he can say is "brat nose" when i get mad, he says cuz u make me happy. but to me, thats not a response. I make a lot of ppl happy all the time, friends, the kids i watch, u when u were able to open up to me, doesnt mean that they all love me. u kno what i mean? and when we walk down that aisle, if that actually is going to happen, and he has to say his vows which i want written, he cant say "brat nose"! he needs to tell the room and me why he is marrying me, why i am it. why he loves me. does that make sense?

and when i studdered and couldnt verbalize what i wanted.. he answered for me saying, u want ur fairytale. I do. Is that so wrong? I want someone thats going to want to go out with me every once in a while. I want someone who is going to try to be a little social. I want someone thats going to test me, thats going to make me want to be a better person than i already am. I want someone that is going to chase me on the beach and kiss me just because the sun is shining and i am theirs to kiss, no matter where we r. i want someone that is going to show me new things and make me want to c the world through their eyes. I want someone that I can walk through life with like its all a big adventure and no matter what, no matter how hard or scary it gets, they r gunna b standing there by my side holding my hand. Is that so wrong to want?

Erica Reed Serene - 14 years, 1 month, 10 days ago
Erica Reed
so theres this girl... i used to be best friends with her, our friendship ended very badly. I havent spoken to her for over a year. I let go a lot with her. She hacked all of my emails and my facebook last January. I lost almost all of my pictures. Then her and her parents went to my moms job and harrassed her last march. I didnt say anything. I didnt try to talk to her or anything, I let it go. Then this passed summer she used my hacked facebook and attacked my character. SHe verbally attacked my cousin when she went to my defense. I left it alone. I did not comment on the things she posted on my old facebook and just minded my own life. I left it alone when she preached on my old facebook about how she wants to "save people" from me because i lied to her about being a christian. I didnt but i just dont go to church actively other than when I was living with her. I dont think i am wrong for that. I just let it all go. Now she has messaged my fiance, criticizing our engagement and asking him what I was thinking. I am not sure how much further she will go but I am angry. I dont know what else to do. Why wont this girl leave me alone? I am living my own life she should live her own. Any advice??????? HELP
Erica Reed Serene - 14 years, 1 month, 13 days ago
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Matt Urquhart
Assume the ball was you You have been given Assume the ball was you .
Crafted by Nu Anuchit
Matt Urquhart "My Gallant One" Playful - 14 years, 21 days ago
still toooooo expensive!
Cory "Corylicious" Lonely - 14 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
A Bloke

would you? You have been given would you?.
Crafted by Rhona
A Bloke "Maestro" Loving - 14 years, 1 month, 15 days ago
Sending best wishes and support your way.
Cory "Corylicious" Lonely - 14 years, 1 month, 19 days ago
And your other tale I just read... I've been through the same many, many years ago... I still carry the "what if" around... luckily I had a baby boy over 6 years ago, so it's not all bad :) I'm sure you'll figure things out... time is a healer :) Stay strong! Hugs!
Kristiina "Princess" Adored - 14 years, 1 month, 20 days ago
From experience... there's much to be said about boys/men who are mama's boys... I wish you all the best & who knows, maybe your marriage will be great :) But my future ex husband is a mamas boy and it's affected our marriage a great deal. When you marry someone, they become your family and should be your priority. If you think your fiance will put his mother before you, or is too clingy about her... think twice or three, four, five times... Of course, I don't know you or him, not even a little bit... so I hope you're able to make an educated decision, either way :)
A Bad Case Of The Spinnies... You have been given A Bad Case Of The Spinnies....
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Kristiina "Princess" Adored - 14 years, 1 month, 20 days ago
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