
Name: |
Cas , 38/Female
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 5:20 AM |
Join date: | 14 years, 3 months, 19 days ago |
Location: | United States
"That's Her!" |
About me:
My name is Casaundra, but growing up, I've realized that most people can't spell it or pronounce it right, which is really annoying, so I'd prefer it if you'd call me Cas, and if that's not simple enough for ya, just call me C. I admit, I have a short temper, and I can be a total bitch at times, but as the famous saying goes, "if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." Those on my good side are there for a reason, and I'd do anything for my real friends. I'm half Chinese, and my friends would probably describe me as "boy crazy." I love my men, what can I say?! ;)
About you:
Looking for: | Friendship and dating |
Orientation: | Straight
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Cas's tales
I apologize for being absent for a day or two. I took advantage of my time off from work. Although it was much needed because I was exhausted, it probably wasn't good for me, money-wise. I participated in Black Friday and went shopping, spent more money than I should have, and then went out to the bar last night, which was probably the biggest mistake I've made all week. I drank more than I could handle, embarrassed the hell out of myself, and am now suffering from the worst hangover I've ever experienced. Just the THOUGHT of alcohol makes me sick to my stomach right now. But, that's what happens, I guess! You know you had a crazy night when you wake up naked on the couch with puke in your hair. Classy, right?! lol. I'm taking it easy the rest of the weekend, I swear! P.S. I added a picture from last night... You know, before I became a mess! lol.
Cas "Shinin'" Ferocious
- 14 years, 3 months, 10 days ago
I've come to realize that HP is a lot of work. lol. I've been trying to be really good, and respond to every single comment and message that I get, but of course the more that I reply to, the more that I receive, and it's a never ending cycle for me to catch up with everyone! NOT that I am complaining because believe me, I am not. I love all my comments and messages, and I love all my friends on here. You guys are great! All I ask is that you be patient with me. If it takes me a while to get back to you, just know that I am not actually ignoring you, I just haven't gotten to you yet. Life is crazy right now. Although I am on a break from work for a couple days, I don't plan on spending too much time at home. In fact, I have big plans tonight, seeing some rock band play and having a few drinks with some friends. Should be a great time. For all my fellow American HP friends, have a great Thanks Giving day tomorrow! And as for the rest of you, just have a great day anyway!
Cas "Shinin'" Ferocious
- 14 years, 3 months, 13 days ago
I don't want anyone to freak out... My work schedule is crazy this weekend. I only have 7 hours between my shifts, which isn't much when you consider sleep, shower, and food! My social life is pretty much non existent this weekend because of that, but hey... Gotta make that money somehow, right?! I have a few days off later on in the week, which I am looking forward to. (This is what I am thankful for on Thanks Giving!) I just wanted to give a heads up to everyone, so when I am absent for a little while, you don't have to worry about whether or not I have disappeared again. I am staying, so you guys are stuck with me, like it or not! lol. So, be patient, please! I'm already having a hard enough time keeping up with all of my messages, but I WILL get back to you. Love my friends, new and old! Have a good weekend, guys!
Cas "Shinin'" Ferocious
- 14 years, 3 months, 18 days ago
I was wondering what the hell happened to this site! Haven't been apart of the community since back in the Facebook days. I found a message on my Facebook from someone, talking about HP from way back in the day, I googled the site, and here I am! Doesn't seem to be as fun as it used to be, though. I have yet to find any of my old friends, I don't recognize anyone...
Cas "Shinin'" Ferocious
- 14 years, 3 months, 19 days ago
Casaundra's Shop
Most recent customers:
in chaos
3500000 pts
Bye bye darlings. ^^
50 pts
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