"A mysteris fox who dont do nothing unless he feel like it kk"
About me:
I'm kinda weird at times....I am sometime mean.....but not all the time..just when I get annoyed which is hard for me to......I like all music but not country.....I listen to rock mostly.....any kind.....if you try to own me i will run...i was owned by someone before but that was on my own choice...I'm on sometimes but then im not...i do watch all kind of tv shows that intrest me...I like to sleep a lot...so yeah i do have a shop if you find something you like buy if you dont then dont
About you:
if you want to be friends then its fine....if you dont then dont....oh an buy some items if you like...so yeah...>.>....^_~
i will always be a lil rebel...until im owned and caught in which i cant runaway...so yeahh!! killotko "Lil Rebel"
- 12 years, 4 months, 16 days ago
will i spent the night at my cousins its my 4th day an i have to go home soon here and someone i like doesnt have work anymore problem is that i lost my phone and i want to go be with her...~sigh~ its fine she'll be there when i find my phone doesnt mean i lost hope...heck no not gonna be down i'll see here later hopefully anyways cant w8 for december to travel and then January for my friends and family including mine b days XD...dont know wht i might do..probibly do wht i did last year for my b day....~drum rolls~ sleep all day and eat some restrant for my mothers sake....and thats bout it....dont know bout you guys but im satisfied with it anyways dont know if i'll be on later or not so dont hold up for me on your count anywasy see you guys when ever im on killotko "Lil Rebel"
- 12 years, 4 months, 16 days ago
alll righty then i slept all day yesterday and now i cant sleep...what a wonderful life right...not really im very very bored...nothing to do...dont really want to go out side cause theres nothing out side in the dark to do and i dont really trust my neighbor hood in the dark...to creepy...not the you believe in monsters and stuff like that i mean like i got a weapon and i dont care who you are just give me all you have kind of scared...i mean i could win in a fist fight but not when they have somthing that can put in the hospital or in the ground...so anyways my day before yesterday was great killotko "Lil Rebel"
- 12 years, 4 months, 20 days ago
will its been very very long since i was last on here...a friend of mine that used to own me on here closed there account sad face...i will miss her...anyways guess im back to wht i used to do...run from anyone who tries to own me killotko "Lil Rebel"
- 12 years, 4 months, 23 days ago
will sorry for those that read my tale thing an news paper....that i havnt been on here for a long while...it was my b day yesterday...not many people knew it was but im fine with that killotko "Lil Rebel"
- 13 years, 1 month, 21 days ago
Aww happy birthday! Didn't even come to say it cause you weren't here. Glad to hear you're doing well but hey, if you get bought you get the pts you're worth. And yeah, will have a break after my membership expires. Doesn't mean I won't be back. Also thanks for thumbing my shit. ^^