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Yonca Yildiral | - Free online hangout and friends
KUHEYLAN owns this human at 80 points.

Yonca Yildiral

Yonca Yildiral
Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Barney Brown

Just wanted to say Hello You have been given Just wanted to say Hello.
Crafted by AnGeL Of ThE NiGhT xXx
Barney Brown "Bebpe" iyi-kötü- güzel - çirkin - 14 years, 8 months, 28 days ago
Hasan Onur Akay

anybody home? ◕‿◕ You have been given anybody home? ◕‿◕.
Crafted by SuperBoo
Hasan Onur Akay "seninolsun" Curious - 14 years, 8 months, 29 days ago
Hasan Onur Akay

Yippee!! You have been given Yippee!!.
Crafted by -rachie-
Hasan Onur Akay "seninolsun" Curious - 14 years, 8 months, 29 days ago
fred fairchild

Pass Not Within

Heaven holds no place for my wandering heart
Instead I would slip in a few far more deserving
A soul or five who have brought more to my life
Deserve to be found weighing less than a feather
Not weighed down by any real, true transgressions
Acceptance that the Pearly Gates await me not
Emboldens me to stack the deck for those loved
Men and women who bring light to dark corners
Kindred souls met in passing who chose to stay
Giving my life more meaning than it had before
Some friends, others loves both most cherished
These spirits I would have use my golden ticket
Yet I think it is possible to pass on the alternative
Avoiding all seven levels of glowing, fiery furnace
Skirting the gaping chasm of deepest remorse
Flashing a get out of hell free card most defiant
Brash, bold rejection of Dante's hellish Inferno
Perhaps to dance a merry path between the two
A twisted Oscam's Razor of Purgatory to walk
Perhaps taking yet another spin on karma wheel
Round and round, finding more good in renewal
Rebirth and reincarnation gaining loving wisdom
I do not fear Death or even go out of it's way much
Not that I would greet it as an old friend expected
Only that when it is my time I might even accept
Not try to barter my way into more time than I have
All I ask is time enough to say a proper farewell
For most part my friends know where they stand
The place they play in my heart and my busy life
The seeds planted in their passing kernels of truth
Each growing in their season, harvested with love
Perennial blooms of unequaled foliage well rooted
Some perfectly pruned, kept in neat, orderly beds
Others growing in wild abandon with passionate zeal
Each complimenting the other's needs and strengths

fred fairchild "Ren Lover" playing with strawberries - 14 years, 9 months, 2 days ago

Hugzz You have been given Hugzz.
Crafted by Denise Rose
Iva Serene - 14 years, 9 months, 2 days ago
Hasan Onur Akay

can you see Friday yet..? You have been given can you see Friday yet..?.
Crafted by Alobar
Hasan Onur Akay "seninolsun" Curious - 14 years, 9 months, 3 days ago
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