Emran Mattar"Simply Amazing"Content
- 14 years, 10 months, 5 days ago
A tribute to some of my favorite comedians - George Carlin, Dane Cook, Lewis Black, Steven Wright and Robert Schimmel.
Emran Mattar"Simply Amazing"Content
- 14 years, 10 months, 6 days ago
Stephen Colbert - I have been fortunate enough to attend two tapings of The Colbert Report and I want to go back. The waiting list is huge! A nice man and a brilliant, quick-witted comedian.
Emran Mattar"Simply Amazing"Content
- 14 years, 10 months, 10 days ago
This is my new baby, Goldie. She looks disappointed because she always likes to take my hat off and smell my hair, and I wouldn't let her do that for this picture. It's okay, though, she got her way the moment I went to set the camera down.
Emran Mattar"Simply Amazing"Content
- 14 years, 10 months, 14 days ago
Oscar and I. He was bred by a dear friend of mine and came from a very happy home.
Emran Mattar"Simply Amazing"Content
- 14 years, 10 months, 14 days ago
La BeLLa
"Harley Quinn"Seductive
- 14 years, 10 months ago
* So the storm has gone 'n everything is greener for it. There's the most fresh and beautiful feel to the air this new season. I hope it's that wonderful for you where you have found yourself ventur- ing. Many warm gusts of inspiration & wonder to lift your spirits and soles into dance as well as advent- ure..: ) Bliss & a huge hug. x