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Robert Steward
Robert Steward

Robert Steward, 37/Male
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Location: United States

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Robert's tales
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Robert Steward
love and death

Love is a twisted way to see death,
it cuases it to come to you in the nite and break your heart
you may not see it as death but once you got pain
that seeks nothing but to hurt you every time u see her
you got death toying with what it wants
a soul that can be replunished of darkness
ideas seeking for a hope
death is at your door
it knocking ever so sweetly
tapping at your door making a shiver up your spine
and you don't know what the reason it is sitting here
but the door comes open
you fall to your knees
you scream out loud
don't kill me please
it comes straight to you
and then it was threw
you black out and now you are gone
sent to hell where you be alone
for all eternity
until you finally plea that horrror
and see that love was there only playing a game
now you fall and die so truelly
and then don't have to worry of any words
and you finally have you slumber
deep into the hell that was created
only buy the love you hold
and she was the death in your heart
so it is over and you are done
you forgot about her
and now it simple
don't worry about the problems
it all done to the end of the earth
good bye to one good bye to all
it final your dead to world
and it was only peacfully
so love the death ever so sweetly
don't push what you have with love
that the story from what they see from above
the stars and the sun the moon and th ocean
tell you the story
of love and death

Robert Steward "nubnubnub" Serene - 14 years, 9 months, 16 days ago
Robert Steward

why bother to love
when that love hurts
why bother to live
when that life dies
why bother to care
when that care nothing
why think of her
when that thought hurts
why try to be good
when that trying is bad
why tell her you love her
when that love is only with you
why hold her close
when that touch is pain

i tell you why to tall this why
becuase i love you
no matter the pain i do
yeah i hate when i get this pain
but i rather feel dead in the heart
then not live.

Robert Steward "nubnubnub" Serene - 14 years, 9 months, 16 days ago
Robert Steward
Love is your Life, Live for your Love

Love is a fate to which I dont want to break
Life is a fate to which I cant have to live
Love is a spell that is cast and can cause hurt
Life is a spell that is brought for ever
Love is something that we all want in life
Life is something that we have to know

Love is unpredictable
Something that cant be found
It is the unexpected
But the love you have when you have it
Well that love is true
Never fake
It will scare you into something unexpected
Love is this and love is that
Love is all that you have when you have nothing else
When that love is taken you have no reason to live
You fall into even a worse hell
Something that takes you to your death
Maybe you dont die for real
But in reality you dont loose your life you loose the heart

Life is created to be unpredictable
Something that cant be known
It is the worse unexpected thing but it the best truth
But the life you have to find is what you seek
Well that life is your truth
Never hidden
It will make you into something unexpected
Life is what you seek
Life is all that you need when you want everything else
But when that life is taken from you
You hate your own life for life taken is the life you want
Something that makes you turns to nothing
Maybe a new hollow shell of emptiness
Robert Steward "nubnubnub" Serene - 14 years, 9 months, 16 days ago
Robert Steward
can it be
i do i do, i do love you

i think i think, i think of only you

i hope i dream, that i can stop

finally i don't i don't, i don't love you

i think i know, i want you out of my heart

i hope i dream, that you are my freind

i do i do, i do love you

and finally after all the i do's

i know i can't love you

Robert Steward "nubnubnub" Serene - 14 years, 9 months, 16 days ago
Robert Steward
feels i am alone

here i sit alone
seems like i have no home
being some type of outsider
the freinds i had
were the wrong ones
the freinds i want
don't even exist
the girlfreind i need
is married to another man
the girlfreind i don't know
seems i will never meet
the heart i have
is broken into pieces
the heart i seek
is the exact same way
the world i yearn for
seems to be only a fantasy
the world that exist
seems to want me alone
the days that are long
shows only that i am alone
the days that are short
shows that i am still alone
the emptiness that fills me
knows i can't stop it
the empiness that fills me
knows soon it will kill me
at the end i can't see
why i am so alone.

Robert Steward "nubnubnub" Serene - 14 years, 9 months, 16 days ago
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comfoert - 14 years, 8 months, 23 days ago
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