About me:
What makes us who we are?
If I am my actions, then I am a student, finishing my psychology degree and preparing for graduate school. I am also a therapist by work and education, specializing in working with children with autism. I am a reader, a thinker, a practitioner of yoga and meditation, a fine cook, and a gentle, caring friend.
If I am my thoughts, then I am deep, introspective, observing everything and questioning it all. I am one who appreciates the works and thoughts of other thinkers: Thomas Paine, Kahlil Gibran, Pema Chodron, among many others.
If I am my feelings, then I am passion itself. I am fire and depth, strength and warmth. I am tears and laughter, joy and sorrow, and gratitude for all emotions in between. I am a lover of life itself.
Are we our thoughts? Our actions? Our feelings? Or are we the vast space in which all of these exist? If that is so, then I am emptiness; I am darkness; I am the absence of everything. Peace.