Who was the last person that you pinky promised?
Damien.. my son
Are you insecure?
I can be yes.. I dont see myself the way others do i guess..
Do you judge people before getting to know them?
Sadly very often i do..
Would you fight for love?
Where was the first time you ever kissed the last person you kissed?
My hotel room :P
What was the last movie you watched & with who?
Honey.. i watched it with my son Loki
Have you ever wanted to never give up on someone but did?
Sure have
Do you have something that belongs to someone from your past?
Yes.. i have clothes, jewlery, teddies, flowers...
Was the last time your heart pounded like crazy for a good or bad reason?
Umm bad and good.. My hubby was playing with our baby and i got scared.. but he was fine lol
Where did you get the pants your wearing?
Pjs from walmart .. thanks hunnie
Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
Yup lots of times..
Have you ever kissed two people in one night?
Yes.. much more than two
Are promises important to you?
O yes.. they mean everything to me..
Did you have a boyfriend on your birthday this year? Who?
Yuppers .. Matty
If you could get back in touch with one person you’ve lost touch with, who would it be?
My dad..
How would you feel if your best friend hooked up with the last person you kissed?
AHAHAHAHAHA!! They would both be dead lol.. course it would never happen.. he thinks shes gross lol..
When was the last time you were in a taxi?
Prolly a yr
How do you act under pressure?
I usually try to remain calm and focus..
Has anyone ever bit your lip?
When was the last time you baked a cake?
Does sauce cake count? if so then like last week..
Ever done something you knew was wrong but at the moment it felt so right?
Yuppers..story of my life lol
Ever danced in the pouring rain?
All the time.. i know i look crazy, but its wonderful! TRY IT!
Ever broken someones heart?
Not sure.. hard to tell if anyones ever loved me..
Do you wear stripes a lot?
What do you miss most about being young?
Nap time!!
Are you a hard person to get along with?
Not really.. im really nice..
Is change good?
It can be..
Do you get jealous easily?
Miss anyone right now?
Ya i miss Damien, i miss my mom, i miss my stupid father, i miss the family that wont talk to me, i miss my friends... and the list goes on..
How long is your hair?
To my shoulders ish
How much did you weigh when you were born?
I think it was like 6lbs or something
Are you wearing jeans or sweats?
Wish you had done anything differently in the last month?
Nope i regret nothing... hence the tattoo
When you say you don’t care, do you really mean it?
No.. usually when i say that its a defensive thing..
Can you dry swallow pills?
No i gag..
Is anyone mad at you right now?
Yes, as im sure they always will be, but hey a girl should be allowed to know her mother..
Who are you all talking to?
No one at the moment..
Chrystal Wilkinson "~Sweet N Sexy~" Peaceful
- 14 years, 11 months, 7 days ago