before i fall asleep at night, i close my eyes and wrap myself around you. I can feel your breath on my neck. in my mind its' real, you are real. Just writing bout it makes me stare at the wall for minutes at a time like i'm in a trance. Today i sat for hours and wrote hundreds of words to you. Today i will be with you, entwined. Your smile will light one thousand jungles on fire. We will hover above the war torn filth machine that is this place is. In my thoughts I am invincible. When we touch, we are all things
I am all most home, i will be with you soon. for now, this miserable thought will have to do. I have to much to tell you. It will take time and it will be fractured like me. I know you understand me.
I live in front of strangers, they freeze me out, they empty me. I feel like an old warehouse. Do you want me?
You and I walk thogether in the fall air
Street lamps throw down shadowed light
the leaves under our feet
imagine that, for once not alone
i can close my eyes and see it
i can breathe in and smell the wood burning fire
miles away from this place.
the fake air that claws my throat
the grey walls that reduce my eyes to instruments of torture
tonight, i am the king of self-infliction
you and i on this autumn night
i cant talk to them
you shoudl hear my words kill themselves
i cripple myself with them
the clsoe i get, the further away i know i am
there must be kindness in blindness, becuase there is none here
Bob Shaw "Bobby Boy" Growling
- 14 years, 10 months, 27 days ago