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jordon lord
jordon lord
"~New pet~"

jordon lord, 35/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:9:47 PM
Join date:15 years, 2 days ago
Location: Canada

"I <3 my midnight angel"
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Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight

daylen suvan
daylen suvan
"WiLd TiGgEr"
20000 pts
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Raven Angel Catacomb
"Casket Boy"
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jordon's tales
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jordon lord
Today is your past present and live it well
jordon lord "~New pet~" Tired - 13 years, 6 months, 13 days ago
jordon lord

drinking dancing
joking and laughing
just having a good time
life is great

living it up;
smoking the night away,
without a care in the world
life is great

kissing hugging
touching and loving
i never want to loose this feeling
life is great

this is how i want it to be
its like living in a dream
its everything that you want
life is great
jordon lord "~New pet~" Tired - 14 years, 5 months, 18 days ago
jordon lord
to m elife is like a maze. always making turns here and there. some leading to new paths and others leading to dead ends, forcing us to back to back-track and retrace our steps. you may not know where to go next but eventually you end up where you need to be in the end.

jrodon lord sept 23/10
jordon lord "~New pet~" Tired - 14 years, 5 months, 18 days ago
jordon lord
life is like takes you many places and shows you many things...always keeping you on the edge of you seat, wondering whats going to happen next...but it doesnt always have to be like can write the story yourself and tell your friends about the great achivements that you've made.

jordon lord August 2010
jordon lord "~New pet~" Tired - 14 years, 6 months, 15 days ago
jordon lord

Everthing was good
she had a home
she had a family
and she had a man that loved her;
but something happened that changed everything

Now she has a home
but no family
and a man with a broken heart
she had betrayed the one that she loved

She sits at home and cries
wishing that she could go back,
to fix the mistake that she had made;
but she knows that she cant
and must face the consiquences of her actions

So now when she sits at home and thinks of him
she cries untill she cant cry no more
watching the river of red flow down her wrist

by: jordon lord

jordon lord "~New pet~" Tired - 14 years, 10 months, 7 days ago
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