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Luna Collins | - Free online hangout and friends
terra owns this human at 6079 points.

Luna Collins
Luna Collins
"NFS terra's Grl"

Luna Collins, 29/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:2:14 AM
Join date:15 years, 20 days ago
Location: United States

"I herly berly on gerly werly!"
About me:
I love to write stories and draw pictures. I'm a big fan of all kinds of music, except rap. I don't like confrentation, meaning I usually will back off if you want to argue. I like all kinds of animals and I try my best to make people happy. I do have a Master and several sisters, so I'm not looking for any relationships other than friends.
About you:
I like everybody. If you're laid-back or excitable, funny or serious, calm and collected or exstatic and wild, I'll like you, as long as you don't yell at me. If you yell at me it makes me scared and I don't wanna talk to you anymore. But I'm sure that wont happen! I'd love to talk with you!
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Bi

"The Imperial Z"
11499 pts
charbel bernaba
charbel bernaba
1000 pts
Luna's tales
Luna Collins
So yeah, apparently i'm addicted to Alice in Wonderland. Not only am i currently writing a script for a horror movie based on the idea of it, (Which i have two more, a prequel and a sequel, on the way) i also re-read both books, watched the 1999 version with Martin Short, listened to Jefferson Airplane's White Rabbit on loop for four hours (It's a two and a half minute song, en loop for four hours, do the math), found a playlist based on songs revolving around Alice in Wonderland (Including a Collide version of Jefferson Airplane's song), found the Alice that was on Scyfy not to long ago, going to see the new movie in theaters on Wednsday, plotting out how to stitch a White Rabbit stuffed animal, memorized The Walrus and the Carpenter, planned a second, different story revolving around Wonderland meeting Oz and having a war, Read the complete wiki biography of Lewis Caroll (Did you guys know he was a suspect for Jack the Ripper? WTF?), saving up to by the Looking Glass Wars books, and drew out the characters for my animated movie. So yeah. If anyone has movies based on Alice in Wonderland that you think i should watch, just message me.
Luna Collins "NFS terra's Grl" Lonely - 14 years, 11 months, 28 days ago

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Book and a bath... You have been given Book and a bath....
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terra "Snuggly" Sleepy - 13 years, 1 month, 20 days ago

Flying visit to say hello You have been given Flying visit to say hello.
Crafted by DJ Ronika
terra "Snuggly" Sleepy - 13 years, 1 month, 22 days ago

Hello! You have been given Hello!.
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terra "Snuggly" Sleepy - 13 years, 1 month, 23 days ago
Just giving you some love for your page.
Hey,u rock! You have been given Hey,u rock!.
Crafted by Smiley
terra "Snuggly" Sleepy - 13 years, 1 month, 24 days ago

i miss you... You have been given i miss you....
Crafted by Luna Collins
terra "Snuggly" Sleepy - 13 years, 1 month, 24 days ago
hey how are y :)
charbel "Baby Pet. :)" - 14 years, 10 months, 17 days ago
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Luna's shop
Luna's Shop!

Just a little shop to buy some friendly stuff for your pets.

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I sowwy...
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I sowwy...
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i miss you...
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i miss you...
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You're safe with me
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You're safe with me
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You're my best friend~
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You're my best friend~
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Here's to you!
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Just waiting for you!
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200 pts
Just waiting for you!
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