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Angelic Demon | - Free online hangout and friends
Foxy King David
Foxy King David owns this human at 7167 points.

Angelic Demon
Angelic Demon
"Leather Pup"

Angelic Demon, 54/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:5:14 PM
Join date:15 years, 26 days ago
Location: Huntington West Virginia United States

"-Pounces on you like Tiger does Winnie the Poo-"
About me:
Hmmm I’m 39, no scratch that – I’m 28 (yeah) ... with 11 or so Years Experience... I am an oxymoron and walking contradiction…. I drink, I smoke, I swear & I am NOT a size 0. I’m an Artist but I can’t draw. Music is not my Life but it is necessary. I’m opinionated but I don’t expect or need anyone to agree with me. I have many names and I am many things to many people. I’m Achilles to the leather folk. I’m Angelic Demon to others. I’m Drake. I’m a Bitch, I’m not *YOUR* Bitch. I don’t have any children but I have pets just as needy. I have lived in 4 separate countries and seen 14 in total so far. I love to travel but I hate that I don’t travel anywhere near light. I’m considered a brainy type by some, . I have NO idea at what point I stopped being cool. I used to be Cool. I’m pretty sure I was… I have too many interests to list them all here & many of them rob me of what little Focus I feel I have. (Yes, I can cook but realize that if too many people find out, I’ll be expected to do it all the time. and Fuck That! I have an extremely Dark sense of Humor, so if being laughed at for falling down the stairs offends you …pay more fucking attention next time! Stupidity infuriates me and there’s a difference between just Not knowing something and being Stupid. I sing, I head-bang, I yell and generally direct traffic with my middle finger. If you make too much noise or talk in a movie theater I WILL stand up and yell at you.(6 years of martial arts training gives me the right!) I have a HUGE Oral Fixation. I’m Strong, Honest, Independent, Secure & very Intelligent so if you wanna hang, you had better be most of those things or more. I am a motorcycle rider not a fucking Mind Reader so if you have a problem I Expect you to man-up and say something to address it, Not act like a pissy moapy asshat of misdirection. I like Live Music, Werewolves, Forensics, seedy Irish Pubs, Playing Pool, Serial Killers, Black Tie Affairs, Historical Reenactments, Shoes, Confident Men, shooting people in the forehead with rubber sucky darts, chatting OnLine, teaching furbies to swear, lighting REAL Fireworks, hanging out with friends, Cake AND Death, Driving to No Place, grocery shopping in the middle of the night, Coooooofffffffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, planning group activities like trips to Vegas for no reason, singing in the shower, Dark Humor & BAD Jokes, Gothic Architecture, Lots of Pillows, Watching movies at Home, Reading, the smell of bleach in a bathroom, Donuts with Milk, Guys who are Smarter than Me (good luck, I don’t run into many), Maniacal Laughter & fucking with people in drive thru windows. ~~THE FIRST THING PEOPLE NOTICE ABOUT ME I guess my mouth! People either instantly Adore me or instantly Hate me - rarely is the jury out for very long. I am a natural chameleon – I can fit in from black tie to black combat boots. Life’s much more interesting that way. ~~FAVES BOOKS I like fiction but usually have some kind of manual in relation to psych with me. ART My favorite Artist is Giger. MOVIES I love all kinds of movies, mainly Dialogue Driven. Big Fan of Burton. I dig Sci-fi Fantasy like UNDERWORLD etc – I’m a sucker for a decent horror movie - - any movies that inspire thought or have a completely unexpected twist at the end. MUSIC Anything but WHINEY country or Gangster rap - Mostly Rock, Industrial, Top 40 and a HUGE Alternative Rock fan. FOOD I love Milk Chocolate!! CHEESE! Chinese, Mexican and Italian. ~~7 THINGS I NEED Excellent Music, Loads of Cash, Reliable Car, Hot Soapy Water, Kinky Sex, A Fast Computer & DAMNED GOOD COMPANY! ~~SHIT I THINK ABOUT Where I’m going find the time to do Half the shit that my brain would like to do. ~~AN INTIMATE DETAIL ABOUT ME I’m usually underestimated. ~~YOU SHOULD HIT ME UP IF You're Real - Looking for Real Conversation, communication or interaction.

About you:
~Wags~ ~winks~

Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Unspecified
Herds: ~Ink & Steel~, MASTER / MISTRESS / slave / sub, Gay Herd!, Furries, Furrs of Facebook, BDSM Pets

1000 pts
Caroline Tither
Caroline Tither
"Melody Cool"
400 pts
Angelic's tales
Angelic Demon
That´s it, I´m done with men. I´m into women now. C´mon, let´s make hot hetero love together. Take off your breasts and turn around.
Angelic Demon "Leather Pup" Cheeky - 14 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
Angelic Demon
While we're here, can we check out lesbian erotica. I'm still trying to figure exactly what it is they do.
Angelic Demon "Leather Pup" Cheeky - 14 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
Angelic Demon
Today I'm trying to keep Hamlet out of my head and my existential beliefs in! I absolutely fucking HATE IT when my mind is lazy with its compliance!!! Ugh!
Angelic Demon "Leather Pup" Cheeky - 15 years, 4 days ago
Angelic Demon
How fortunate it is for governments that the people do not think! ~Hitler~
Angelic Demon "Leather Pup" Cheeky - 15 years, 10 days ago
Angelic Demon
Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you. -Jean-Paul Sartre-
Angelic Demon "Leather Pup" Cheeky - 15 years, 19 days ago

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Foxy King David

~Bats eye's, Please?~ You have been given ~Bats eye's, Please?~.
Crafted by Tracy
Foxy King David "R.I.P. :-(" Bold - 14 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
Foxy King David

some Love Fox lovin' You have been given some Love Fox lovin'.
Crafted by Foxy King David
Foxy King David "R.I.P. :-(" Bold - 14 years, 1 month, 19 days ago
Foxy King David

Jingle bells You have been given Jingle bells.
Crafted by Robbie
Foxy King David "R.I.P. :-(" Bold - 14 years, 2 months, 20 days ago
Foxy King David

Some music for your day :) You have been given Some music for your day :) .
Crafted by Unknown
Foxy King David "R.I.P. :-(" Bold - 14 years, 3 months ago
Foxy King David

so glad your mine You have been given so glad your mine.
Crafted by Unknown
Foxy King David "R.I.P. :-(" Bold - 14 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
Foxy King David
Hows my Leather pup?
Talking Cock You have been given Talking Cock.
Foxy King David "R.I.P. :-(" Bold - 14 years, 3 months, 20 days ago
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Angelic's shop
Make it fit's Delicatsies

Come Inside and Charge Yourself a Little Happy!
~Winks and Wags~

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