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Cutekitten , 29/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:6:29 AM
Join date:15 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
Location: Red Deer Canada

"a wolf that's more than you think she is."
About me:
favorite pet: malibu favorite color: purple favorite animal sound: (wolf)
About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): lone wolfs
Cutekitten's tales
I will tell the legend of Kuikuhâchâu, the man who took the form of the Wolverine. He was the one who confronted the Giant Skunk called Wâniyûyâu. As the legend goes, the Giant Skunk took human form also, using snowshoes when traveling during the winter. Wâniyûyâu was a violent being, who took pleasure in killing everyone he encountered. His method of killing was by using his deadly scent glands. It seemed that no one could kill Wâniyûyâu. He massacred entire camps whenever he came across them. Everyone lived in constant fear, afraid that Wâniyûyâu would arrive at their camp.

Kuikuhâchâu lived off the land with his family of brothers and sisters. He was the eldest. The animals we now consider game were his companions in that time. They lived in their winter camp. One day, Kuikuhâchâu had a premonition that someone from the camp would come across Wâniyûyâu’s path. He mentioned, “Younger siblings, I have the impression that one of you will come across Wâniyûyâu’s path. If you come across his path, be sure not to go near it.”

Shikushâpâu (Ermine Man) left one morning to go off on the hunt. As he walked towards a frozen lake, he saw a trail that went across the ice. He remembered his brother’s warning but wasn’t sure whose path it was. Shikushâpâu walked down towards the shore. He walked along the shore, among the trees. He took off his snowshoes and changed into his ermine form. He burrowed into the snow because this is what ermines are very good at.

Shikushâpâu burrowed his way under the snow towards the trail on the frozen lake. When he thought that he was close to the trail, he carefully popped up out of the snow. But he was still far from the trail. He still had no idea whose trail it was.

He burrowed back into the snow. As he burrowed in the snow, he accidentally hit the trail. The stench of the trail was overwhelming. There was no doubt it was Wâniyûyâu’s trail. Shikushâpâu pushed snow back into his burrow where he had broke into the trail and burrowed back to the shore. He surfaced where he had left his snowshoes. He shifted back into his human form and quickly returned home.

At that exact moment when Shikushâpâu touched Wâniyûyâu’s trail, Wâniyûyâu was forcefully pulled back. Someone had crossed his path. There was no way for Wâniyûyâu to continue on his journey. He had to return to the place where his trail had been crossed. When he tried walking forward, a strong force pulled him back to where he had come from. He could not go forward. He had no choice but to backtrack. He knew the spot where someone had crossed his path was about two days away. Wâniyûyâu walked back on his trail to track and kill whoever crossed his trail.

Shikushâpâu hurried back to camp and told his older brother Kuikuhâchâu what had happened. Kuikuhâchâu ordered his siblings to build the shaking tent. When the shaking tent was built, Kuikuhâchâu entered and performed the ceremony to contact the spirit world for help and to see where Wâniyûyâu was.

Early the next morning, Kuikuhâchâu and his family began their journey to get away from Wâniyûyâu, who was coming for them. When they abandoned their camp, they left the frame of the shaking tent in place.

For days, Kuikuhâchâu and his family moved far. Each night, Kuikuhâchâu performed the shaking tent ceremony. When they left camp the next morning, Kuikuhâchâu made sure the frame of the shaking tent was left in place.

Wâniyûyâu arrived at the lake. He was sure that it was on this particular lake where his trail was crossed. He looked around but he couldn’t see any other path. As Wâniyûyâu walked along his old path, he passed the exact spot where Shikushâpâu had poked through the trail. His snowshoes were pulled back. He turned back again and continued walking past the spot and his snowshoes were pulled back again. He walked back and forth, confused because he didn’t see any other trail.

Wâniyûyâu examined the snow carefully but could not see any trail. As he walked past the spot where Shikushâpâu touched his trail, his snowshoes kept going backwards. His snowshoes broke the snow to finally reveal a tunnel under the snow. He checked the burrow and noticed where it was heading. He knew that this was the one that had crossed his path. Wâniyûyâu followed the burrow.

As Wâniyûyâu walked towards the shore, he found the spot where Shikushâpâu had shifted back into a man and where his snowshoe trail began. Wâniyûyâu was not hindered as he followed Shikushâpâu’s trail. He was filled with joy because he knew there were people at the end of this trail and that he was going to kill them.

Wâniyûyâu kept following the trail of Shikushâpâu. He reached the abandoned campsite. He also saw the frame of the shaking tent still in place. He spoke out; “I wonder why they moved away. If they were still here, this is what I would do.”

Wâniyûyâu shifted into his skunk form and shot his putrid scent from his anal scent glands at the frame of the shaking tent. But the shaking tent frame stood strong. It shook only a bit from the force. Wâniyûyâu was puzzled. He walked around to the other side and shot again, expecting to destroy it. But the shaking tent stood firm. Wâniyûyâu continued following their trail.

When Kuikuhâchâu performed the shaking tent ceremony, he was warned of how far Wâniyûyâu was. As they abandoned each campsite, Kuikuhâchâu’s shaking tent stood intact. Each time Wâniyûyâu came upon an abandoned campsite, he tried to knock it down with the spray of his awful scent. But the shaking tent always stood defiantly.

One morning as the group got ready to continue their retreat, Kuikuhâchâu found out that Wâniyûyâu would reach them that evening. He consulted his siblings. “My brothers and sisters, Wâniyûyâu will be upon us this evening. Keep on traveling. As evening falls, we’ll find a beaver lodge. We’ll make camp on the far side of that lake. Let’s make sure Wâniyûyâu will see our camp from the other side of the lake when he arrives.” The younger siblings could only agree.

Ayik (Toad) and Mâtishkûtish (Frog) were the two of his older sisters of the group. As the group traveled, the two old sisters always fell last on the trail. Ayik was the slowest and Mâtishkûtish was only slightly faster. Kuikuhâchâu warned his older sisters Ayik and Mâtishkûtish to keep an eye behind them. Kuikuhâchâu instructed his sisters, “When you see him far away, be sure to play dead.”

They broke camp and prepared for their journey. Ayik fell last on the trail. She did not heed the warning. But Mâtishkûtish kept looking behind as she walked on the trail. She would look back while crossing a frozen lake. But Ayik simply kept on walking without looking behind.

As Wâniyûyâu pursued his next victims, he saw someone crossing a lake ahead. He quickly approached her. He walked over to her side. Only until he was right beside, Ayik realized that she was not alone. Wâniyûyâu innocently asked, “Why are you people walking so far? I’ve been following your trail for a while. The calves of my legs are getting swollen from following you people.”

Ayik strained her eyes to see. She exclaimed, “Oh, a stranger.” She continued, “It’s because Wâniyûyâu is following us. We’re trying to get away from him.”

Wâniyûyâu was really stunned at her arrogance, mentioning his name in his presence, which was a real insult. He asked, “Do you realize who I am? Look at me!” Ayik answered, “I can’t really see. I am almost blind.” As she turned to face him, Wâniyûyâu shot his awful scent at her, killing her instantly. “What nerve she has!” Wâniyûyâu continued following the trail.

The next lake he reached, he caught a glimpse of someone walking far ahead on the lake. Wâniyûyâu was overcome with joy since he would kill another person. As Mâtishkûtish disappeared into the forest, she looked back across the lake and saw a figure already half way across the lake. She realized it was not her sister Ayik.

Mâtishkûtish hauled her tob
Cutekitten "kitty" Loyal - 15 years, 25 days ago
I have been thinking about making a movie about a girl who aquires magical abilities. Is that a weird thought?
Cutekitten "kitty" Loyal - 15 years, 1 month, 3 days ago

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My name is miss comfort.I was impressed when i saw your profile today,i became interested in you,i will like to know you more if you mail me my address here( ) i will give you my pictures,mean while i have something important to discussed with you,and I will like to established a long lasting relationship with you,Remember the distance or colour does not matter but what matter is love,please contact me directly with my e-mail now(
monica "mela wup" - 14 years, 8 months, 2 days ago

ღ Happy Valentine's! ღ You have been given ღ Happy Valentine's! ღ.
Crafted by _B_e_c_c_a_
Malibu "Beachy" - 15 years, 21 days ago
Thank you for remembering my birthday
Foxy "luvly Foxy" Curious - 15 years, 24 days ago
I miss you!! You have been given I miss you!!.
Crafted by Michellina
Malibu "Beachy" - 15 years, 24 days ago

♥flowers just for you♥ You have been given ♥flowers just for you♥.
Crafted by Malibu
Malibu "Beachy" - 15 years, 24 days ago

Showing my love You have been given Showing my love.
Crafted by rosalie fisher
EXOTIC GRACE "SweetGraceMy@$$" - 15 years, 25 days ago
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Cutekitten's shop

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