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Blaine LeBlanc
Blaine LeBlanc

Blaine LeBlanc
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Blaine LeBlanc
I realy shouldn't be suprized that yet again I've been ditch (for a lack of a better word) by some one who claimed to be a friend.

I realy don't know what people expect from me? I'm not gona be like every one else. There are gona be times I just don't feel like acting stupid. Even when I do, that doesn't garonty I'll be talked to anymore then when I'm being quiet and just waiting to be talked to.

I'll realy should be focusing on what's realy important witch is where I'm gona live in a month if I don't find a job. I always tell myself these people aren't real they are living a fantazy in the world called the internet. Like myself and every one else on the net (whether they admit it or not) when they turn off the computer they aren't gona think of any of us internet world people they have to return to the real world. These chat rooms are just places to escape to to be something you aren't, act a certain way that you wouldn't dare do in front of strangers in the real world, but in the end we are just tools for others to feed their egos.

In this day and age I'm still baffeld at how people act with out thinking twice how there action may in any way shape or form hurt others. The person I'm refering to I'm sure it wasn't this indeviduals intent to hurt me by making me feel if I don't act to certain standards I'm not worth talking to anymore. As far as I can tell there is only three people left who still treats me as an eqaul in here but time will tell ...
Blaine LeBlanc "{N//A}" Annoyed - 15 years, 4 days ago
Blaine LeBlanc
Well what should I talk about ? Oh so many things I think I'll talk about the the dumb ass fuckers in the main chat. What to say that I havent already said on my other profiles. Well for starters 0.5% of the people in there I realy think are decent people. They go in there to be friendly meet new people and just to chat and I have no problems with those people at all.

Now the other 99.5% are ... what is the proper adjective let me think ... Ah yes self centerd egotistical hurtfull hatefull full of shit fuckers who would rather you die then bother to get to know you on a friend to friend level. Don't get me wrong they will talk to people who aren't in there little click, they'll put you down, insult you, start rumores ect. ect.

I don't know how many people who I thought were nice people all of a suden stop being friendly to me I have no Idea why. I can muster a guess and say it's cause I'm not cool enough I don't fit in to what they consider popular cause I don't act all pervy 24/7 or I don't dress a certain way talk a certain way who the fuck knows ?

Some one said to me yesterday. Why are you never socializing (I'm parafrasing I can't remember the exact words) I said cause no one talks to me any more so I keep to my self she then said people miss you. I was dumbfounded at those words "people miss me" boy if you think I believed that you need your head checked out and soon cause the drugs you're on expired.

What I took from that is they miss me talking to them so they can like usual insult me be little me degrade me and so on cause that is basicaly what the chat room has become nothing more then a place to make your self feel better cause in the real world they have to indure the fact that most people don't realy give a flying fuck about them. In chat they can act like some one compleetly different to boost their self esteem and not give a shit who they hurt in the process.

well that's it for now I'm in a good mood and this fuck hole of a chat site won't get me down I'm off to see MEGADETH tonight and I must go get ready.

P.S I'm sure you're all thinking why do I still come in here then if it just upsets me well easy answer there are a few people I like and I don't throw away friend ships even if its online I'm not like the rest of the shit heads in here I am a decent person. maybe some day I'll turn name dropper and list every one who are realy just a bunch of shit heads untill then I'm out of here peace out home slices ....
Blaine LeBlanc "{N//A}" Annoyed - 15 years, 16 days ago

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