If only my friends and family in real world knew how i felt... but i am good at hiding it from them... But i am lossing it.. the water is very high....
You must have had donations from a while back! HA! I took one down to make room a bit ago...noce to see they're still floating around though! *_~ Hope all is well with you. I've been writing a lot, and back into the work grind, as many people need a shoulder and an ear during the Holidays...with the good comes the bad, I suppose. I hope you're taking care of yourself and not still sick! That would be very BAD!! And on the S list you go! *_~
Bandit Aleatoire
" Sweet bandit "Back and getting caught up <3
- 14 years, 2 months, 14 days ago
Got a day of rest...now gonna try to get a night of it, too!! Miracles DO happen! I hope you are well. I have to go to work tomorrow, check in on a few things, but I will be home tomorrow night. Hope you are getting some rest, too *_~