when the shit hits the fan
i am consistently surprised
at how many people turn to
someone else to point their finger at
i say fuck it
it was me
i did it
and i am fucking standing here
in the middle of this circle full of pointing fingers
holding the fucking proof in my still dirty hands
and i am not denying it for one goddamn second
i am waving my hand like a fucking lunatic
hurling my admittance of guilt
in front of this row of stone throwers
and i will not allow myself
as guilty as i am
as vile as i may be
as unable to defend myself
as one person could ever be
to be cast upon with stones
by this crowd of worthless cowards
who stand pointing fingers
because the shit hit the fan
and they knew there would be consequences
i will not allow these fools to be my judges
this mass of self-righteous imbeciles
who managed to be strong enough
to carry the stones with them
in their pockets
but not strong enough
to bear the weight
of shared guilt
fuck it i say
take me
i did it
fuck you all
LuvLea "Apocolypse"
- 15 years, 4 months, 17 days ago