Do you remember me?
The boy with the sad turquoise eyes
Under a canopy of auburn hair
Filled with sticky ambrosia dreams
And a thousand fairy tales
Do you remember me?
The skinny, long-limbed being you helped create
But with whom you could never relate
An alien child whom could not inspire your love
So instead you sought to destroy
Do you remember me?
The animal you whipped
With years of hateful words
And hands full of salty bane
That shaped my existence
Do you remember me?
The only one who cried each time you left
And rejoiced each time you returned
The one that hid in cupboards
Until you finally disappeared
I remember you
I used to chase after you
And saw your face in those I once kissed
Heard your voice in their regurgitations of love
And saw your feet when they left
Those ghosts of you
I used to love those who would treat me like you did
Who would batter and berate me
After declaring their undying love
And then leave
Only to return
Those whispering apparations of you
Would seduce me
Into hating myself
As I fell deeper in love with them
How masochistic of me
But now I have let you go
And all you represented
I have blown away
No more shall I chase mirages of you
Whilst living a desert dry life
Remember me
The man who chooses to forget you.
Jonathan Carrick "My Jono " Inspired
- 14 years, 1 month, 16 days ago