New writing people
Shed me free from this pain and heart ack I made,
Give me sweet dreams instead of bitterness
Lend me happiness not this depression that might take hold
Dance in the light not ponder in the shadow
Sorrow fills my heart from the wrongs that have been
Wishing not to go back just walk forward
Wanting the dead things to come back to life
Praying that I have not wasted all my life
Felling the things I know now I have taken
Knowing the blood that I have spilt on my lovers floor
Pleading that my misgivings haven’t blacked good hearts
Wanting to see smiles to me not laughter at me
Trying to was clean my sins
Finding the water that comes off me like sludge
Darken by lies and games
Hate washed though me not off
Now I see the pain and fell it
And know of its poison felling it eat away
Laying looking at the face of the one I love and have killed
Bloody hands unclean able
The cute I gave my self bleeds deep and true
Taunting the fellings we loved once
Showing a open door to forgiveness
Walking though it your hand in mine
Elizabeth sauve Lonely
- 14 years, 4 months, 19 days ago