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A Stone Named Boy
A Stone Named Boy owns this human at 39999 points.


A Stone Named Boy
"ninja kitteh"

A Stone Named Boy, 40/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:5:39 PM
Join date:15 years, 6 months, 16 days ago
Location: Boise, ID United States

"A Scurvey Seadog who's really a Pirate Catman! Or maybe a ninja..."
About me:
Meow! I mean....GYARRRRRR! More at 11. 11pm NEWS!-Ya can send yer signal flags in the direction of beenjammin2118 at yahoo dot com. Who be I? A complicated and long-winded answer awaits those who ask, and few but the ones close to me or of a similar world-view will even understand it, probably. Or they'll realize it was an answer full of sh*t, since I don't understand myself either. I don't smoke, drink or do drugs, but I have been known to overdose on cookies I made for you, but eated. Right now the things I'm into. Random selection, GO! Anime, Military (no more), Reading, Philosophy, Stories, Art, Photography, SCIENCE! F'N POLITICS!!! Plundering! Booty! Being enjoyably melancholy. That's that. Also, I've been enjoying D&D since my supervisor introduced it to me a couple of years ago. Webcomics (See under stories). Humor. Good Grammar. I haven't watched any tv in more then a year, or at least not the bit of news I've seen while at work. I'm watching Vikings on the History Channel and My Little Pony on Netflix. I likes a wide variety of music. Not too much country, pop, or hip-hop though. I'll add more later (procrastination)
About you:
I'm Schrodinger's cat! I can't be measured until I've been observed. Basically, if I like you, I'm willing to try anything with you! Hell, I'll even go LARPing if that's what you're into these days. But I don't know what it is you're into these days. You never call anymore...
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Sex Kittens, Nerds are Sexy, SCI FI / FANTASY Pets, Cute Butt, Kitty's Erotic Story Herd
A Stone Named Boy
A Stone Named Boy
"ninja kitteh"
39999 pts
A's tales
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A Stone Named Boy
Arrrr! What a week! Since I did sail home from me last adventure, I was expecting lazy days n' calm waters. This not be me fate, though. I've been running around like mad, attemptin' to stop a thousand leaky holes from sinkin' me ship! I barely be havin' the time I need ta be doin' what I need ta be doin', much less stoppin' by here! I do be missin' you all. I hope yer post-holiday season has been more placid and fun than me own.
A Stone Named Boy
A Stone Named Boy "ninja kitteh" Daring - 11 years, 1 month, 25 days ago
A Stone Named Boy
I have finally returned to me lair! I did set sail for home yesterday, Jan th 2nd at 1917, from the Windy City, or Chicago as many like to call it, and I did reach the home in the mountains (it be in Idaho) today at 1930! That's right lads n' lasses! I did sail through icy storms cold enough to freeze ye bones, howlin' winds fit to tear flesh from bone, n' lands so strange n' beautiful ye'd not believe even I where I to simply describe 'em to ye. I sailed a full 24 hours upon the western lands o' adventure, without a stop ta rest me head. It's because I do have the stamina ta go n' go (ladies!)! N' plenty o determination to boot! I'll admit, it twasn't the most sensible course o' action, but I be a man o' iron will n' fortitude, if not always be have'n enough sense in me head to fill a sock.

But harbor sweet harbor! I be home. Now I don'na need that shoddy electrical do-hicky they call a "smartphone" ta communicate on HP no more. Good riddance! Twas better when everyone had ta communicate by parrot anyways.

I have so much ta be tellin' ya about me adventure across the barren Midwest, but I do be thinkin' I need ta be hitting the bunk. Me bones be needen ta warm up after such an adventure in the frozen wastelands o' America, n' it takes some time ta warm them up when ye be sleepin' alone!
A Stone Named Boy
A Stone Named Boy "ninja kitteh" Daring - 11 years, 2 months, 2 days ago
A Stone Named Boy
As a new day dawns, with it comes a new year. I hope all of ye lads n lasses do be waking up to a wonderful morning/afternoon after a night o celebratin' n good times! I hope ye all were able to end the night wit' a chest full o' plunder! I meself enjoyed a night o' flavorful beverages n tasty food, along with tall tales n hearty laughter wit' me cousins and fellow pirates. I still be sailin' on the high seas o adventure, but in a day I shalt be setting sail once again for home. When I do be gettin' there, I will finally be able to once again have reliable access to a vessel worthy o' sailin the high seas o' the ocean of the internet! Then ye all will be havin' ta be puttin' up wit more o me! Tis be hard sailin' on the digital seas in this leaky dingy o' a cell phone.

Once again, Happy New Year ta ye all!
A Stone Named Boy "ninja kitteh" Daring - 11 years, 2 months, 5 days ago
A Stone Named Boy
What a day o' adventure me laddies n' lassies! For some post-Christmas shenanagiens, I did team up with me uncle and exploring we did go! Many a tavern we did visit, some where we were regaled with excitin' tales of villians n heroes, and yet at others where me uncle did produce his windy harmonica and play many a lively tune fer us all. I wish I could go into greater detail, me hearties, but this tiny portable phone I be using be low on battery, and high on malfunction! It do be keepin me from much plunder! Arrr, I do miss the good old days o' the reliable parrot network, or magical ninja networks!
A Stone Named Boy "ninja kitteh" Daring - 11 years, 2 months, 10 days ago
A Stone Named Boy
Well, a Merry Christmas to you, me hearties! I hope your plundering this day has been rich and bountiful! I did survive my travels from the land of Idaho to Chicago, though I did be laid seige by mighty storms along the way. Ice, wind, hail and snow! None of these could stop I, nor my sailing vessel, though many a wreck I did pass. All were beyond this pirate ninja kitty's ability to help. But when I did at long last arrive in Chicago, days after setting out on me journey, I was greated most heartedly by family! Tis been good times since then. I do be short on aquiring booty and plunder, however. May have to sail the lands around Chicago during the celebrations of the New Year before I do set sail for the west once again. If in ye be around fer the seasons, me hearties, give the captain a shout, and we can sail together fer a time and plunder some booty!

I do be hoping you all do be having a safe an exciting Christmas Day. If ya don't be celebrating it, then I be hoping you do have a safe an exciting holiday season! Harharharrr!
A Stone Named Boy "ninja kitteh" Daring - 11 years, 2 months, 11 days ago
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stolen =( You have been given stolen =(.
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A's shop
Boy's Pirate Shop o' Plunder

Avast me maties! This be a stomping ground for the discerning seadog, come to purchase discount booty! Ya canna find any cheaper booty on the high seas then me Pirate Shop of Plunder! Plundering the hard to get, so you don't have to!

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A tasty treat for you.
1 use

200 pts
A tasty treat for you.
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A tasty whipped cream surprise.
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200 pts
A tasty whipped cream surprise.
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You know I'm delicious!
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120 pts
You know I'm delicious!
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Cream-filled strawberries
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120 pts
Cream-filled strawberries
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Drink me up!
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115 pts
Drink me up!
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A Naughty Pirate
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A sexy pirate!
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125 pts
A sexy pirate!
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About to get some pillage on.
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125 pts
About to get some pillage on.
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Kittie Attack!
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125 pts
Kittie Attack!
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You're awesome!
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105 pts
You're awesome!
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A cunning plan.
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105 pts
A cunning plan.
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A Knight in shining armour.
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A Knight in shining armour.
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A Pirate Greeting!
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105 pts
A Pirate Greeting!
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Ninja Greeting
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Ninja Greeting
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