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amberrlee Xx - blitz - xX | - Free online hangout and friends
Chase owns this human at 50 points.

amberrlee      Xx - blitz - xX
amberrlee      Xx - blitz - xX

amberrlee Xx - blitz - xX, 29/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:4:00 PM
Join date:15 years, 8 months, 7 days ago
Location: Hamilton Ontario Canada

"you make my daay so much better just by those 3 words ; & babby ii love you too . <3 - *"
About me:
5'5 with wavy brown hair and brown eyes. i'm complicated. if i don't trust you now, then i probably won't trust you ever. that doesn't mean you shouldn't try. i'm outgoing and generally a happy person, but i have constant mood swings and a short temper. i love the rain & i absolutely LOVE cuddling. if i don't like you, don't worry i'll let you know. i'm a trouble maker & i love having fun. i usually don't think before my actions, but i'm learning i swear. i'm a bitch when i have to be.. so don't make me. i don't hate anyone, hate is such a strong word, it's more of a dislike. don't put words in my mouth & assume that's right unless you're waiting to get punched in the face. i'd much prefer if you kept my name out of your mouth at all times. it just keeps the drama away. i can be pretty friendly, but i come across as a bitch & something shy when i first meet you.
i don't like stereo types & i don't like to judge. i would consider myself loyal, but i won't lie. i have opened my mouth to people before, but i'm only human. i make mistakes. i'm not perfect, i smoke & drink ; it's just something i enjoy doing. i am who i am. i'm not going to change for anyone, i like who i am & it's taken me this long , but i'm confident with who i am & i know exactley who i am. if somethings bugging me, i'll tell you. i'm just an honest person. sorry but i'm sarcastic. don't like it? don't bother. that's not even half of it..
i make mistakes but i believe in second chances & true happiness. i've recently learned that life is a fuckin roller coaster. it has it's ups and downs .. but life isn't what you want it to be, it's what you make it. my friends are the ones that put a smile on my face. make me laugh ; i'll love you. i want the feeling of love and someone who can give me a joy ride in life.

got a problem with me? solve it.
think i'm trippin? tie my shoe
can't stand me? sit down.
can't face me? turn around.
hate or love me? either way your still thinking about me.
think i'm stuck up? try and pull me down.
can't say it to my face? don't say it at all.
speechless? good . shut the fuck up .

About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Kel's Needin points bad $$, Chaotic's Thumbing Herd
Chris Chaotic
Chris Chaotic
348 pts
amberrlee's tales
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amberrlee      Xx - blitz - xX
I still talk to you, whenever i'm alone. I hear you in my prayers, feel you in the wind that blows. I wonder how you are, what you're doing way up there. Are you laughing or are you crying cause you miss us all down here. Only god knows when, you'll smile and take my hand. When i see you again. I wish i had the chance to hold you one last time. It hurts me to know that you never got to say goodbye. You're never really gone, your memory remains. I miss you more then words could ever help me to explain. I'll see you when the set runs out, when the song is over and the curtain falls down. I'll see you on the other side, you can show me what it's like. Only god knows when you'll smile and take my hand. I'll say how you been? When i see you again.
I'll see you again.

- [<3]

amberrlee Xx - blitz - xX Loving - 14 years, 28 days ago
amberrlee      Xx - blitz - xX
Believe me, life's a bitch.
You have to deal with pain of all sorts ;
Heart break, emptiness.
There is so much confusion,
sometimes you lose yourself, or never knew who you were to start with,
you may get back stabbed and lied to and ditched, you may have a broken family.
You may be broken yourself.. but maybe it's all worth it?
Maybe, in the end.. the pain and suffering you go through is all worth it, because..
Yes, your heart does break and you feel empty.. but then you find a new person,
maybe the right person to put your heart back together and fill the empty.
Yeah, there's confusion? but , life would be pretty boring if everything was simple and easy to understand.
Yeah, you lose yourself but in the end you do find out who you truly are.
You may get lied to and back stabbed 100 times before you find out who your true friends are, but you do..
and their the ones to keep with you the rest of your life.

Maybe life is just a game, a joke. Maybe it's really just all about who's richest and prettiest, who wears the best clothing and who owns the most things. Maybe were all just completely materialistic. And maybe, life isn't really worth fighting for.. maybe nothing is..

But i don't think so. I'd fight for my friends.
I'd fight for my family.
I'd fight for love.
I'd fight for my life.
Because really, isn't the things you love your life anyways? And i believe that if you love enough, if you love with your whole heart, the pain and suffering is really worth it.


amberrlee Xx - blitz - xX Loving - 14 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
amberrlee      Xx - blitz - xX
You can shed tears that she is gone, or you can smile because she has lived. You can close your eyes and pray that she'll come back, or you can open your eyes and see all that she's left. Your heart can be empty because you can't see her , or you can be full of love you have shared. You can remember her only that she is gone, or you can cherish her memory and let it live on. You can close your mind, be empty and turn your back. Or you can do what she'd want ;
Smile, open your eyes , love and go on.
rip ; gramma <3
amberrlee Xx - blitz - xX Loving - 14 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
amberrlee      Xx - blitz - xX
We want to thank you for being the best that you could be. Your our best friend, the head of the family. Now it's time that you can finally stop worrying about us, you can relax, have fun. You no longer need to fuss. We know that if we need you.. your here by our side. We do believe that even though your not here with us.. This isn't goodbye.
rip ; grampa. <3
amberrlee Xx - blitz - xX Loving - 14 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
amberrlee      Xx - blitz - xX
I miss you.. i miss your smile ; and i still shed a tear.. every once in a while .

A while ago.. but everyday it seems to come rushing back, the look of you in that hospital bed, wires and cords keeping you alive..
You told me never to remember you like that, but sometimes the image just won't leave my head. You were one of the strongest people i've met in my entire life,
wasting away in a hospital bed.
Dust to dust, from dawn to dawn.
Yet you still managed to carry on.
The nurse said the time would come soon,
i told you it was okay to let go, and that i'm holding on for you to.
I couldn't figure out just why you had to leave, then you were gone..
they always tell me to keep wiping my eyes, sometimes i often wonder..
if you can hear me cry.
You told me when you rest not to shed a tear,
because maybe i'd be joining you in about 40 years.
You always made me laugh that way, the things you would say..
the way you made it seem like you'd never go away.
I saw you in my room one night, surrounded by life.
You smiled and replied sweetie i'm alright, you were back on earth..
i hoped that you'd remain.
I blinked for one quick second.. and you disappeared again,
but i knew you were okay, i knew you weren't in pain.
They all said you were gone, but i knew that you had stayed.
You're watching over me and i swear i'll make you proud,
i'll see you sometime soon..
we can jump on the clouds,
and i know i shouldn't cry..
you wouldn't want me to. But i miss you more.. everyday.
And i'll see you.. really soon.
I'll meet you at the northern star.

amberrlee Xx - blitz - xX Loving - 14 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
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Kelly Leigh Godlonton

much love for my pet You have been given much love for my pet.
Crafted by consuelo garcia
Kelly Leigh Godlonton "ceutach" Adored - 13 years, 3 months, 2 days ago
My name is miss comfort.I am a female I was impressed when i saw your profile today,i became interested in you,i will also like to know more about you mean while i have something important to discussed with you,and I will like to established a long lasting relationship with you.and if you can write to me with my contact address,i will give you my pictures,this is my address( )I believe we can move from here i am Awaiting for your reply,please contact me directly with my address ( ) distance or colour does not matter but what matters allot is love,please dont write to me in the site
katebaby "kit kat" - 14 years, 7 months, 27 days ago
Kelly Leigh Godlonton
where is my beautiful pet ? how have you been doll
bubbles Of Friends You have been given bubbles Of Friends .
Crafted by Crazy
Kelly Leigh Godlonton "ceutach" Adored - 15 years, 2 months, 5 days ago
Kelly Leigh Godlonton

* I LUV MY PET* You have been given * I LUV MY PET*.
Crafted by Denise Rose
Kelly Leigh Godlonton "ceutach" Adored - 15 years, 5 months, 17 days ago
Kelly Leigh Godlonton
Hi ya sweetie pie .howis summer treating yeah .should be back to school now I bet. Big hugs for me beautiful pet
Daily dose of love 4 my Petღ You have been given Daily dose of love 4 my Petღ.
Crafted by Just M
Kelly Leigh Godlonton "ceutach" Adored - 15 years, 7 months, 3 days ago
Kelly Leigh Godlonton

You are beautiful ♥ You have been given You are beautiful ♥.
Crafted by _T_
Kelly Leigh Godlonton "ceutach" Adored - 15 years, 7 months, 19 days ago
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