
Adam's tales
I had a great day today with the kids, we went and saw Up this morning before heading to the zoo this afternoon. At the Zoo we found a little kid who had lost his parents and my boys took him under their wing whilst we looked for them. I was really proud of the pair of them the way they looked after this little boy, he was probably about 4 and had lost his parents for about 15 minutes I later found out. We found one of the guest services people who were looking for him and he was shortly reunited with his mum. It's been a good day.
Adam Betteridge "Dman" Tired
- 15 years, 4 months, 24 days ago
----///\\-----Please ----///-\\\----Put This ---|||---|||---On Your ---|||---|||---page If ---|||---|||---You someone you know or ----\\\-///----Someone close to you -----\\///-----Died or ------///\-----***SURVIVED*** -----///\\\----Cancer ----/ //--\\\---And Remember them fondly Heres to you Grandad. RIP
Adam Betteridge "Dman" Tired
- 15 years, 5 months, 22 days ago
Well it was just father's day yesterday, it started out poorly, about 12.30 am I hear my eldest call out for me, now that means one of two things, either he's had a bad dream or he's just thrown up in the bed. So I leap out of mine and rush to theboys room to find him crying as he throws up again all over his sheets and pillows. Now he has the top bunk and his brother has the bottom, the little one has also woken up and says to me "Daddy, Aidan's not well." with all the innocence a 3 yr old can muster. So I send him off to my bed whilst I sort out his older brother. Once he finished I got him to strip off and go lie down on the couch whilst I strip his bed. Once I finish cleaning up I finally get back to bed about 30 minutes later. Jim, my little one says to me. "Happy father's day daddy."
Adam Betteridge "Dman" Tired
- 15 years, 6 months, 1 day ago
This has been a better week for me after getting the flu last week things seem on te up for the last few days. My boys have been pretty good though they still practice driving dad mad at bed time.... Next thing they will be teenagers and I'll be complaining about getting them up...Who'd be a parent! :)
Adam Betteridge "Dman" Tired
- 15 years, 6 months, 28 days ago
Well my boys went off to visit there mum last week when they got back I find out she's living with the #%&@#. To say the least I've been angry about it, not so much that she's living with him but that she lied to me about it. The thing that really ticks me off is I want to lash out at her but I know I can't which makes my blood boil. That's when I explode at my boys over minor things which makes me angrier with myself and with her for making me angry in the first place. Hopefully getting this out in the open will help my brain settle down.
Adam Betteridge "Dman" Tired
- 15 years, 7 months, 10 days ago
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