Hello My name is miss comfort.I am a female I was impressed when i saw your profile today,i became interested in you,i will also like to know more about you mean while i have something important to discussed with you,and I will like to established a long lasting relationship with you.and if you can write to me with my contact address,i will give you my pictures,this is my address( comfortandrew78@yahoo.com.sg )I believe we can move from here i am Awaiting for your reply,please contact me directly with my address ( comfortandrew78@yahoo.com.sg ) distance or colour does not matter but what matters allot is love,please dont write to me in the site 55555567
"kit kat"
- 14 years, 7 months, 8 days ago
Now is the time to help America become the great and wonderful nation we all know from our real lives!
America is poised to attain military greatness. We currently are in an active war with a hostile Russia (We have already lost Alaska and Washington DC:'()
Americans, your country needs you to gain experience, strength, and wisdom. The success of our nation is dependent upon you becoming successful -working and training daily are essential to the success of your eCitizen and the nation as a whole. Leveling faster makes you, and the rest of us, stronger.
Help our nation become the powerhouse of this New World.