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Valerye | - Free online hangout and friends
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Valerye , 33/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:6:57 PM
Join date:15 years, 9 months, 6 days ago
Location: Mexico

About me:
Me llamo Valería : ) o puedes decirme Verde : O Tengo apenas 17 años xd, 25 Octubre, vivoo en Torreon coahuila Ranch, Hahah oqei no ._. Concidero qe soi una persona Algo Egolatra, Arrogante, Directa, debo Admitir qe Aveces me gana el Orgullo o_ó Directa y digo las cosas como son creo qe asi es mejor ;D no me gusta decir mentiras, y Aveces digo cosas, qué No deveria Decir. o___ó Soy como cualquiér persona, normal D: , amo la musica, i personas qe enverdad valen la pena :D , Amo los Arboles ♥, y cualqier cosa qe tenga qe ver con Naturaleza & verde es vida n_ñ, y pues pienzo qe devemos Hacer algo para ayudar a no destruirla :/ ODIO ala Gente qe maltrata alos Animales y pues me da corage qe no pueda Hacer nada para ayudar u.u pero algun Día 8o| Pienso qe cualqier ser vivo , Planta Animal, o lo qe sea Merece Respeto o aunqe sea EL MINIMO xd Pienso qe no somos distintos a un Animal ya sea perro, gato, Puerco etc xd
About you:
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Bi
Valerye's tales
I have edited a photo to my friend Giles... hope u like it :)
Valerye "mine" Loyal - 14 years, 11 months, 7 days ago
It's not fair!! :( My cookies are gone!!! D:
Valerye "mine" Loyal - 14 years, 11 months, 11 days ago
Translation of About Me:

My name is Valeria:) or you can call me Verde (Green) xd I have just 17 years, October 25, live in Torreon coahuila Ranch, Hahaha not ok ._. I believe that I am a little bit arrogant, and I must admit that sometimes I am winning by my own Pride o_O I'm Direct and say things as they are, I believe that is the best way :D I do not like telling lies, and sometimes say things that you should not say. o___ó I am like any person, normal D: I love music, and people that really worth: D ♥ I love Trees and anything to do with nature and green that is life n_n, because I think we should do something to help not destroy it :/ I hate People that mistreating the animals ; I think we are equal to animals and must be treated equally xd

Sorry about my english.. it sucks!! XDD well If u wanna know me just ask ;)
Valerye "mine" Loyal - 15 years, 9 months, 6 days ago
My crazy photo/edit art xd
Valerye "mine" Loyal - 15 years, 9 months, 6 days ago

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hey hola vale, no olvides llevar una toalla :)
Madeleine "My Beloved M." Crazy - 12 years, 11 months, 18 days ago
Dea C

cute YAAAWN ^o^ You have been given cute YAAAWN ^o^.
Crafted by Qarla Irigon
Dea C "Red hairrr" Adored - 14 years, 7 months, 18 days ago
Andrew Chia
Splashing Goot Time You have been given Splashing Goot Time.
Crafted by Andrew Chia
Andrew Chia "My prince♥-NFS" Missing the good old times... - 14 years, 10 months, 29 days ago

a rose for you ♥ You have been given a rose for you ♥.
Crafted by Saija
adadadadadadadadad "mamo" Sleepy - 14 years, 11 months, 3 days ago

enjoy your day ♥ You have been given enjoy your day ♥.
Crafted by Saija
adadadadadadadadad "mamo" Sleepy - 14 years, 11 months, 4 days ago
Lay Lady Lay

Coffee With Love For You You have been given Coffee With Love For You.
Crafted by Amsee
Lay Lady Lay "❥亲爱丽儿" Carefree - 14 years, 11 months, 5 days ago
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Valerye's shop

To a special friend like you...
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120 pts
To a special friend like you...
Bought by 18 people
Have a wonderful day ~
1 use

120 pts
Have a wonderful day ~
Bought by 42 people
Nice to meet you...
1 use

120 pts
Nice to meet you...
Bought by 10 people
1 use

120 pts
Bought by 7 people

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