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Annie Chyr | - Free online hangout and friends
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Annie Chyr
Annie Chyr
"Angel eyes"

Annie Chyr, 35/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:3:10 PM
Join date:15 years, 8 months, 19 days ago
Location: Pasir Ris Singapore

"ello jello :)"
About me:
RaWr! hai i'm annie like wussup :3

im here for friends and to have fun :D but im in houston rite now in i'll come back in 2010 i think but idk. so like yeah. i'm ANNIE XD and i like to listen to music and take pictures of randum stuff i play acoustic guitar and draw. i'm a random loud person that talks alot :)

leave me a comment <3

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About you:
:) bamf
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Annie's tales
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Annie Chyr

Annie Chyr "Angel eyes" Peaceful - 15 years, 6 months, 2 days ago
Annie Chyr
im blonde :)
Annie Chyr "Angel eyes" Peaceful - 15 years, 6 months, 2 days ago
Annie Chyr
OMG plz subscribe to lilhyperazngirl on youtube mkay? ily! <333 :D

Annie Chyr "Angel eyes" Peaceful - 15 years, 8 months ago
Annie Chyr
Take a razor to my neck
Take a picture, tell me if I bled
Take a razor to my neck
Take a picture, tell me if I bled

Take a razor to my neck
Take a picture, tell me if I bled
Take a razor to my neck
Take a picture, tell me if I bled

Take a razor to my neck
Take a picture, tell me if I bled
Tell me if I bled

Runway model all my fancy clothes
A hair spray bottle up my nose
Take my picture
Take my picture

Take a razor to my neck
Take a picture, tell me if I bled

It's Killing time

Turn Your Backs
It's killing time

Take a razor to my neck
Take a picture, tell me if I bled
Tell me if I bled

Runway model all my fancy clothes
A hair spray bottle up my nose
Take my picture
Take my picture

Take a razor to my neck
Take a picture, tell me if I bled
Tell me if I bled

Dead fashion
Fatal attraction
Put us last in line

Don't Turn Your Backs
It's Killing time
It's killing time

Dead fashion
Fatal attraction
Put us last in line

Turn Your Backs
It's killing time

Take a razor to my neck
Take a picture, tell me if I bled

Runway model all my fancy clothes
A hair spray bottle up my nose
Take my picture
Take my picture
While the blood runs down my neck

Take my picture
Take my picture
While the blood runs down my neck

Take my picture
Take my picture
While the blood runs down my neck

Take my picture
Take my picture
While the blood runs down my neck

Annie Chyr "Angel eyes" Peaceful - 15 years, 8 months, 14 days ago
Annie Chyr

add me
Annie Chyr "Angel eyes" Peaceful - 15 years, 8 months, 18 days ago
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hey there. sorry! im not that active on HP. actually NOT active at all :P
FlattenedCake "Joe's Cakie :)" Lazy - 15 years, 5 months, 23 days ago
KS Ang
so do they walk around say yo watsup man to ppl all this ?haha.
how about your frens?=) miss SG? x)
KS Ang Carefree - 15 years, 6 months, 2 days ago
KS Ang
So what u do over there? there shld b some activity can keep you from boredom rite~haha.wats ghetto btw?
KS Ang Carefree - 15 years, 6 months, 2 days ago
KS Ang
just wondering how r u!x)
hows everithing there?
KS Ang Carefree - 15 years, 6 months, 2 days ago
KS Ang
KS Ang Carefree - 15 years, 6 months, 2 days ago
Kervin John Lobingco
hi. :]
choco ♥ cupcake You have been given choco ♥ cupcake.
Crafted by SuperBoo
Kervin John Lobingco "~D'cool~" Inspired - 15 years, 6 months, 9 days ago
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Annie's shop
candii shop

junk trunk

your smile :)
1 use

200 pts
your smile :)
Bought by 4 people
Lets PARTYY!!!
1 use

200 pts
Lets PARTYY!!!
Bought by 2 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 6 people
i want to hug you.
1 use

200 pts
i want to hug you.
Bought by 9 people
you're sweet <3
1 use

200 pts
you're sweet &lt;3
Bought by 10 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 2 people
rainbow skies
1 use

200 pts
rainbow skies
Bought by 8 people
I jus stole yur soul XD
1 use

200 pts
I jus stole yur soul XD
Bought by 14 people
:D hater
1 use

200 pts
:D hater
Bought by 13 people
candy <3
1 use

200 pts
candy &lt;3
Bought by 13 people

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