Here's 25 things you may not know about me....
1. "Ocean" by John Butler Trio, is my favourite song
2. I live in a place where snow is a possibility from October - April
3. I love trees and hug them every chance I get
4. I've had a painting of mine in an art show
5. I still sleep with my childhood teddy bear... Brownie
6. My favourite author is Deepak Chopra
7. My glass is half full
8. In my opinion, "Lily's" has the best chinese food
9. I sleep on my side... ready to be spooned
10. The only jewelery I wear all the time is a silver ring my son gave me when he was about 6
11. My fav flowers are daisies... I love wildflowers
12. mmmmm... I love pineapple
13. I'm a night owl
14. The ultimate combo... pizza and pepsi
15. I can drive a standard and an automatic
16. I used to own a gift basket business
17. I can do a cartwheel
18. When I was a kid I had stilts and a pogo stick
19. My favourite shows are: House, Lost, Heroes, Bones, Law and Order & Perry Mason
20. I love cream of broccoli soup
21. I'd really love to live in a cabin in the woods
22. Since I joined HP I haven't had nearly enough sleep
23. I'd like to become a better writer, photographer & artist
24. I believe that anything is possible if you really want it
25. I'm in love.... : )
selfproclaimedmuse "LostMuse" Inspired
- 15 years, 8 months ago