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selfproclaimedmuse | - Free online hangout and friends
selfproclaimedmuse owns this human at 32274 points.



Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: ~~CANADIAN HERD~~, ~MuSiC lOvErS uNiTe~
32274 pts
selfproclaimedmuse's tales
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Here's 25 things you may not know about me....

1. "Ocean" by John Butler Trio, is my favourite song
2. I live in a place where snow is a possibility from October - April
3. I love trees and hug them every chance I get
4. I've had a painting of mine in an art show
5. I still sleep with my childhood teddy bear... Brownie
6. My favourite author is Deepak Chopra
7. My glass is half full
8. In my opinion, "Lily's" has the best chinese food
9. I sleep on my side... ready to be spooned
10. The only jewelery I wear all the time is a silver ring my son gave me when he was about 6
11. My fav flowers are daisies... I love wildflowers
12. mmmmm... I love pineapple
13. I'm a night owl
14. The ultimate combo... pizza and pepsi
15. I can drive a standard and an automatic
16. I used to own a gift basket business
17. I can do a cartwheel
18. When I was a kid I had stilts and a pogo stick
19. My favourite shows are: House, Lost, Heroes, Bones, Law and Order & Perry Mason
20. I love cream of broccoli soup
21. I'd really love to live in a cabin in the woods
22. Since I joined HP I haven't had nearly enough sleep
23. I'd like to become a better writer, photographer & artist
24. I believe that anything is possible if you really want it
25. I'm in love.... : )
selfproclaimedmuse "LostMuse" Inspired - 15 years, 8 months ago
Thank goodness for a rainy day... maybe I can nap it away.
selfproclaimedmuse "LostMuse" Inspired - 15 years, 8 months, 23 days ago
What could be more fun than an auction! My very first real auction was in Burks Falls Ontario and I proudly came home with a church pew for the front porch. Several auctions later I have a list of oddness that my friends or I picked up along the way. The best was Marks pop machine that he got for a dollar! The pops & beer were super cold that summer!

I mention auctions because I'm almost out of points and I need more to get nice things for my friends and owner... but I want to be creative... any suggestions?
selfproclaimedmuse "LostMuse" Inspired - 15 years, 8 months, 26 days ago
selfproclaimedmuse "LostMuse" Inspired - 15 years, 8 months, 26 days ago
This is the most beautiful song and I play this often... as in many times a day! I can't help it... it just takes me to my happy place. It's a really long song so it's perfect to close your eyes and just enjoy the music of the wonderful and talented John Butler. Please listen and if you don't love it I will give you your money back!

If you are reading this and you are a musician and can play this for me non-stop for the remainder of my life then let's chat!

Thanks to my friend Geoff who first showed me this song. :)
selfproclaimedmuse "LostMuse" Inspired - 15 years, 8 months, 26 days ago
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And as I thank you, I can now, finally, let you go in peace. Thank you for our time, I now understand that the pain I went through, was only because I needed to learn that we were not perfect for each other. I wish you happiness, health and love...

...I finally found the One for me, y'know? Actually, she found me. I think she's perfect in every way. She adores me. :) You were right, I would love again... and it would be stronger and it would be mutual... thank you.

Goodbye, McLeod! :)
Thank You !! You have been given Thank You !!.
Crafted by Nicole Marie
Noe - 13 years, 11 months, 23 days ago
I love you, always will... until the end of time~~~
Noe - 14 years, 3 months, 25 days ago
Thank you for everything.
Noe - 14 years, 3 months, 25 days ago
...but that's ok, I will still love you, anyway.
Noe - 14 years, 3 months, 26 days ago
And I kind of know what your answer will be...
Noe - 14 years, 3 months, 26 days ago
You know the uncertainty is killing me, right?
Noe - 14 years, 3 months, 26 days ago
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selfproclaimedmuse's shop
Empowerment Emporium

Thank you for coming to the empowerment emporium where you will find a variety of gifts to share with your friends. In this tough economy people all over are having a hard time making ends meet. In the spirit of taking care of each other I have decided to keep my prices really low so you can feel free to buy maybe an extra gift this shopping trip. Please come back often and see what's new! Thanks! xox ** slight delay with the inventory... I can't stop shopping... it's coming soon though!!

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