The A.S.U Comentaries: Society and the individual Somewhat of an oxy moron since they are complete opposites, yet people still insist that in a socially driven world they are individuals. If you are one of these people you are one of the biggest hypocrites on the planet. The two DO NOT function together. Society in fact destroys the individual. In a society the person is not compelled by their own personal needs or desires. They are compelled by the social norm and acceptance. They dress to 'fit in'. Visit the places considered 'popular' and the only way to get a job is by being socially acceptable. There is no room in a society for a individual. Your individual needs do not register in what is considered the social standard. And nobody seems to get this. They stay by the fact that one has to fall in by what is socially acceptable yet in the same breath claim to be an individual. If you are one of these people (and 90% of you are) you are a moron.
Gary "Devil's Advocat" Evasive
- 15 years, 7 months, 1 day ago
The A.S.U Commentaries: Truth elusion There is no way of knowing the truth. Ever. Media. Historical documents. Ducumentaries. 'Holy' scripture. The media is not independant. more often than not they are government controlled institutions that exist to spread misinformation and paint the ideal picture. History books. Were we there? can we with all our trust believe that what has been reported is the truth? No we cannot. Without actually being there all historical documents must be taken with a skeptic point of view. History is written by the 'victors' after all and their point of view is different from the opressed in every way. Documentaries. Documentaries are produced to bring as the truth, but what truth? The pruducers claim they are unbiased and live only to bring the truth to light, but is that really the case? everybody is biased because we all have our own opinions. Religious scripture. How do we know what is written within is the truth? We dont. We never can. We never will. The truth elusion eludes us all. What can we trust? Nothing.
Gary "Devil's Advocat" Evasive
- 15 years, 8 months, 10 days ago
The A.S.U Commentaries: The media massacre and its human fuel The media. The media is the most vile and sickening form of human pleasures. It gets off on reporting bloody violence, senseless rape and mass murders all for the entertainment of its 'human' viewers. A perversion of the most basic of human rights. Privacy. And you all gobble it up. There is nothing like a murder first thing in the morning is there? The media vultures are upon scenes of extreme violence and fall upon parents and friends who only seconds earlier found out its their son/friend splattered on the tarmac. You people make me sick. The media exists for its next pay packet, a packet you all provide because of your insatiable need to witness the suffering of your fellow man. Every time you spend money on a newspaper or boost the ratings of a network you encourage them even more. Sitting in your chair yelling at your spouse 'Did you see what happened downtown? They say twenty people died! Should we go look?' or 'Did you see who (actors name) is sleeping with now? My life is so boring I must know what other people are doing.' All the while you think yourself a good person. 'I buy the paper for the sports results' Bullshit. Fixtures are shown right after a match. 'Me for business' Bullshit. Your broker is a phone call away. I dont care whether you are, christian, buddhist, muslim. If there is a hell you will all be going there for your shameless indulgence in human suffering. And I dont blame the media for these violations of rights. I blame YOU.
Gary "Devil's Advocat" Evasive
- 15 years, 8 months, 10 days ago
The A.S.U Commentaries: Todays fiction/tomorrows fact Its been about 2000 years since the bible chronicles began. Quite the griping story filled with a all powerful magickal being, vengeance, betrayal and beings like giants. In that time somewhere along the way important information has been lost in the midst of time. A story turned into fact. Entertainment turned into religion. 2000 years from now its not video or sound files that will define the people. Like now i will be the literature. 2000 years from now as the bends of time twist and deform the truth from the fiction it is not the location of the garden of eden people will seek, but the entrance to middle earth. 2000 years from now it will not be jesus the messiah who we will send out prayers, but Harry Potter the wizard for which they will kneel. 2000 years from now the people will live in fear of the Drow living within the underdark waiting for people to be bad so they can once again take their place in the light. 2000 years from now our fantasy will become their fact.
Gary "Devil's Advocat" Evasive
- 15 years, 8 months, 14 days ago
The A.S.U Commentaries: The World and You We are here to rule over the world and its creatures. We determine how the world must turn. We create a central government and leader to guide the masses. The monetary system is created to control trade and hold fairness. Democracy is formed to give power back to the people. Religion is formed to give people hope, direction and meaning. We are all free in a world that revolves around each individual. Sounds about right. Its a short summary of what the world is today. Of course it is all a LIE. We are here as a product of a basterized evolution which creatures do not need to exist at all. The world turns regardless of our actions and nothing we do will change the inevitable. A central government and leader was created to enforce control on the masses disguised as an aid. The monetary system was created to give value to each individuals life seperating 'poor' from 'rich' and ultimately controls where you 'should' belong. Democracy was formed to give the revolting people a false sense of security making them believe they were in control of what direction the country would go. Religion was created to control the people by faith and fear keeping them obedient to the rules of the nations. We are all slaves to the rich.
Gary "Devil's Advocat" Evasive
- 15 years, 8 months, 15 days ago