copy and pasted this from my owner (well the one right now :D)
1. Are you happy? up and down :P more confused than any thing :D
2. Kissed someone on humanpets ? yes (i think i got her into human pets though, not met off here! this was a few years ago :P)
3. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? Yes :( i do at the moment :(
4. Kissed someone without knowing their name? yes.. but im amazingly bad with names..
5. Stayed up all night with a stranger? Yes
6. Slept at an airport? no
7. Hit someone? yes :S mainly brothers though :P
8. Sang karaoke? yes
9. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yes alot of the time after drinking :S
10. Have had or would get plastic surgery? do guys get it? what would i get done?
11. Are you in love? im in like :P but unrequited :P
12. Have a tattoo? yes 2
13. Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? yes, not in years though
14. Broken a bone? yep, im a cyclist and motor cyclist
15. Been injured while drunk? yes
16. Hidden your feelings to save the feelings of others? yes
17. Played a prank on someone? not alot, or any thing big.
18. Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? Yes
19. Ever kissed a member of the same sex? ive been kissed by guys that were dared?!
20. Sabotaged someone else's happiness for your own? i dont think so :S
21. Been proposed to and said no? no (that would be sad if it happened :(
22. Do you love Animals? Yes!!
23. Kissed a cop? no
24. Kissed a Fireman? no
25. Been to court? yes (witness and jury :P)
26. Been in the back of a paddy wagon? nope
27. Love someone you shouldn't? yes :P had total romio and julliet things but religiously not family :P though our families would have killed us!
28. Think about the future? not alot :P
29. Believe in love? yes. I want to fall in love, but am worried that continually letting my self fall for girls in the last year (because i decided i should go for it this year) is going to make me too stuffed to go well when i do meet the right girl?!
30. Sleep on a certain side of the bed? nope
31. Kissed in the rain? yes
32. Donated blood?yes (and worked for the blood service taking it for 6 years!
33. Kissed someone you didn't like? umm maybe..
tim "Timbo " observant
- 15 years, 3 months, 8 days ago