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Maegan Hebebrand
Maegan Hebebrand

Maegan Hebebrand, 39/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:8:52 PM
Join date:15 years, 9 months, 16 days ago
Location: Sautee, GA United States

"I do not want a husband who honours me as a queen, if he does not love me as a woman. "
About me:
DO NOT BUY ME FROM MY OWNER. I RATHER ENJOY MIKEY BEING MY OWNER AND WOULD LIKE HIM TO STAY AS SUCH. THANK YOU!!! I spend the majority of my weekends with BJ and Lulu in Alpharetta/Canton/Woodstock, GA. If it bothers you that my best friend is a guy...then go look to be friends with someone else, elsewhere. He is my best friend, the glue that holds me together, the breath of fresh air in my sometimes very stale world. Weekends with him are ALWAYS entertaining, whether it be talking about music, movies, cars, etc...or just acting stupid. Which happens a lot too. But I love him and have loved him for a long time. I enjoy hockey games. The Gwinnett Gladiators and Atlanta Thrashers have to be my favorite teams. I try to go as much as I can. I also have a big love for the Florida Gators and The Michigan State Spartans. The Spartans is more than anything, just Men's Ice Hockey. (See there's that hockey again!) and Gators is just Football. I love spending my free time with the greatest friends in the world. I mean, who could ask for better friends than family and others such as French Kitty, BJ & Lulu, Shane, Alex, Michael R., Shawn Davies, Shaun White, and the list could go on for quite a while. Some of general interests include Tiki and Shag art, French Kitty stuffs (Thanks goes to Melinda for getting me hooked on both Shag and French Kitty), spending time with my friends, going shopping, going to hockey games, going to see new movies on opening night, playing with the dogs, going swimming, feng shui, interior design, reading, stargazing, astrology, sleeping, dancing, singing (even if it is in the car or shower!), hiking, horseback riding, random roadtripping, meeting new people, downloading hours and hours worth of music, watching cartoons (especially the rather "adult" ones on Adultswim), going to football games to listen to the band play...I could go on but then that would give you nothing to talk to me about!
About you:
Just looking for friends. Nothing more than that. PERIOD.
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Maegan's tales
Maegan Hebebrand
This song just really hits a hard spot with me. As I sat tonight in the bar that I used to frequent, sitting next to me was my ex. And he told me how he thought about all the people he did wrong, one of them being me, and it just made me wonder how many I have wronged or whatnot. But above everything else going through my mind, it reminds me of my feelings for BJ as of right now. He and I both are going through things in life where we have had our hearts trampled on and there's a line in the song that states "And baby you could never love you, like me." I sit here tonight crying I wonder if he feels the same for me as I do him. All I know is that after everything I have thought about tonight, I know for damn sure "one day this will all fade away, and in the mirror you will see a smiling face, and standing next to you will always be me." I can only hope that one day all that pain will fade away from each of our hearts and we'll see that we love each other very much and the other one has always been standing there waiting for that shining day.

A Day To Be Alone lyrics

She said I wonder when it'll be my day
'Cause I'm not too far from breaking down
All I've got are screams inside
But somehow they come out in a smile
And I'm wondering if I'll always feel this way, this way

Tell me about those nights you stayed awake
Tell me about those days you hated me
Tell me how you'd rather die alone
Than being stuck here with me
And maybe you've fallen down
And maybe you just took the long way home
But baby you could never love you like me
And one day this will fade away
In the mirror you'll see a smiling face
And standing next to you will always be me, yeah me

One day you're gonna see things my way
You gave me so much room that I can't breathe
When all I've got are pictures to view
It was nothing before and I started with you
For some reason it's supposed to be that way, that way

Tell me about those nights you stayed awake
Tell me about those days you hated me
Tell me how you'd rather die alone
Than being stuck here with me
And maybe you've fallen down
And maybe you just took the long way home
But baby you could never love you like me
And one day this will fade away
In the mirror you'll see a smiling face
And standing next to you will always be me, yeah me

If I could shrink it down and put it in your hands
We made it hurt so much, I can't forget the past
Just tell me what to say, show me what to do
Then I could forgive me and I would forgive you

And maybe you've fallen down
And maybe you just took the long road home
But baby you will never love you like me
And one day this will fade away
In the mirror you'll see a smiling face
And standing next to you will always be me
You know will always be me, and I will wait
Always be me, til I see your smiling...
Maegan Hebebrand "boooo" Loving - 15 years, 9 months, 3 days ago

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I'm not mikey, but I hope you will enjoy my being your owner. I look foward to hearing from you.
Jeff "Gone From HP" Loyal - 15 years, 5 months, 19 days ago

for beautifull friend You have been given for beautifull friend.
Crafted by Katerina Benesova
Mikey Carefree - 15 years, 6 months, 10 days ago
I hope your doing ok hun ...
alcohol and a dare X) You have been given alcohol and a dare X).
Crafted by Marrie Cason Loves Pyan
Mikey Carefree - 15 years, 6 months, 11 days ago

Love my Pet Necklace You have been given Love my Pet Necklace.
Crafted by Renee
Mikey Carefree - 15 years, 6 months, 22 days ago

you taste so sweet... You have been given you taste so sweet....
Crafted by Unknown
Mikey Carefree - 15 years, 6 months, 22 days ago

Adored♥ You have been given Adored♥.
Crafted by Andi
Mikey Carefree - 15 years, 6 months, 28 days ago
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