Back sometime ago in the 90’s there was this series that was called “CyberSix”. Some people in the states reading this might not know about the series cause it was originally animated & aired in Canada. It was basically about a rouge female cross-dressing android who taught in a High school in the day & at night she would have to fight off these goons that her creator sends after her. Her creator is trying to destroy her & he sent a genetically altered panther with the brain of android after CyberSix but she somehow realised that the panther was her childhood friend brought back to life a creepy way. The panther’s/her sidekick's name is Data 7. From what I told you the show might seem weird but. It was actually pretty good, very complex though. It felt sort of hard for me to try to explain this all & I hope you enjoyed reading it.
Cyber Six
- 15 years, 9 months, 18 days ago