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Chelsea Bounds | - Free online hangout and friends
Megan owns this human at 8936 points.

Chelsea Bounds
Chelsea Bounds
"Megan's Pet"

Chelsea Bounds, 35/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:10:02 AM
Join date:15 years, 10 months, 4 days ago
Location: Brenham, Tx United States

"iNsAinE wOlF"
About me:
My name is Chelsea. I go by the name Risika or Kami online mostly. I love Code Geass, Reading, Playing videogames, listening to music, and walking. I love wolves (if you could not tell, then you are a dumbass). If you wanna know more, just ask. I might answer. No ME aCuERdO lO QuE pAsO nI me dI cUeNTa nI qUE mE pIco TODo Da VuElTaS cOmo Un caRRuSeL lOcUra reCURre toDitA mi pIEL No ME aCuERdO lO QuE pAsO nI me dI cUeNTa nI qUE mE pIco TODo Da VuElTaS cOmo Un caRRuSeL lOcUra reCURre toDitA mi pIEL WaKe ME uP bEFoRe I ChAnGE AgAIn rEMiNdE Me ThE StORy ThAt I wOn't GEt InSAiNE tElL Me WhY IT's ALwAYS ThE SamE eXpLAIn Me ThE ReASoN WhY I'm sO mUCh iN pAIn WaKe ME uP bEFoRe I ChAnGE AgAIn rEMiNdE Me ThE StORy ThAt I wOn't GEt InSAiNE tElL Me WhY IT's ALwAYS ThE SamE eXpLAIn Me ThE ReASoN WhY I'm sO mUCh iN pAIn bEFoRe I ChAnGE AgAIn... rEMiNdE Me ThE StORy ThAt I wOn't GEt InSAiNE bEFoRe I ChAnGE AgAIn... rEMiNdE Me ThE StORy ThAt I wOn't GEt InSAiNE iNsaIn, InsAnE, insAInE, iNsaIn, InsAnE, insAInE, iNsaIn, InsAnE, insAInE, I'M BECOMING INSANE!
About you:
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight

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Shh...I'm Stalking You have been given Shh...I'm Stalking.
Crafted by Dr Isley
Tommy "Hurricane Panda" Emo - 15 years, 7 months, 7 days ago
Chelsea Bounds
To those of you who broke my heart. May you live lives of happiness while i live mine in sorrow.
You have been given a dark rose.
Chelsea Bounds "Megan's Pet" Growling - 15 years, 7 months, 10 days ago
Chelsea Bounds

You have been given RTPN - Pulse 03:39.
Chelsea Bounds "Megan's Pet" Growling - 15 years, 7 months, 10 days ago
Chelsea Bounds

You have been given RTPN - Unnamed (NEW - 2009 song !!!) 04:16.
Chelsea Bounds "Megan's Pet" Growling - 15 years, 7 months, 10 days ago
Chelsea Bounds

You have been given RTPN awakening 04:10.
Chelsea Bounds "Megan's Pet" Growling - 15 years, 7 months, 10 days ago
Chelsea Bounds

You have been given simple and clean (techno remix)- ouran high school host club 02:27.
Chelsea Bounds "Megan's Pet" Growling - 15 years, 7 months, 10 days ago
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Chelsea's shop
Apocalyptic Chaos

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