A crappy little poem to the woman I still love - Jacqui
I think about you every day,
Wondering how I could say,
That you mean the world to me,
But it's just something you can't see.
In the past I've hurt you much,
Even though I did not mean as such.
You seem to not forgive me of,
Things that were meant to show my love.
I know that I am no perfect man,
But I do try the best I can.
I am still learning every day,
To be better in every way.
I have always tried to express,
My feelings for you, regardless.
You are so beautiful to me,
A beauty perhaps even you can't see.
I feel so comfortable talking to you,
I know it was mutual at one time too.
Somehow this became not the case,
And so we lost our relationship's base.
I know the past can't be undone,
And sicussing it would not be fun.
But I believe we can sort things out,
Because that's a thing relationships are about.
Ofcourse there is more than that to it,
But if we get together and sit,
Then we can work on this together,
And then, be together forever.
I am yours for always if you want me to be,
And it would be amazing if you and I became "we".
You can talk about anything to me,
I may be abrupt, but later I do see.
I hate to see you hurt and upset,
They're things I always wish to correct.
For when you are happy and smiling away,
That, my dear, really makes my day.
I wish that I could make you see,
How much you really mean to me.
My words are crappy, and actions too,
But my God Jacqui, I LOVE YOU!!!
I would do anything I needed to,
But it has to come from me or us, and not you.
A demand or more has no place between a couple,
If you don't think so, our love tower will topple.
Ofcourse you can always suggest,
What you really think is best.
I also have ways I see things,
An argument is what this brings.
We can always work it out,
It's what apologies and forgiveness are also about.
Or perhaps even just accepting each view,
There might even be more than a few.
The love we have for one another,
Has been disturbed by a great bother.
I see it as an incredible test,
And if you love me, it'll work out for the best.
When we met I shared a lot of my mind's thoughts,
You also shared a lot with me, ofcourse.
That is how I saw our love grow,
A love that's most beautiful, you know.
I am not sure what stands in the way,
It sure seems like your words are kept at bay.
You can say anything to me,
Otherwise I simply cannot see.
I try my best to understand,
How to be a better man.
I will always be who I am,
That guy you loved and saw on webcam.
Marco van Weeghel "Forgot pword!" Hurt
- 15 years, 9 months, 14 days ago