
Name: |
Miguellie cHaRLIE
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
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| Herds: | Nerds are Sexy, MENTAL,RANDOM,EVIL AND SCARY, Gay Herd!, ~MuSiC lOvErS uNiTe~, CRazieZ and ODdiTiES, Writing, jokes, music, movies, DeviantArt Deviants!, GS.C, WTF is up with THAT?, Simply Spam | |
Miguellie's tales
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppf-bG7eris MY FIRST ANIMATION!!! :D its really crappy and only like 10 seconds long, but IM STILL REALLY EXCITED ABOUT IT!!! :D
Miguellie cHaRLIE Playful
- 15 years, 2 months, 1 day ago
OMG I LOVE SIENIOR YEAR!!!! (fuck it if i spelled sienior wrong xP) anyways, i finally found a theme for my artwork and now im going to move into sculpture :D idk what else to say haha i did not have a lot of time lately to go online save for a few min once evrey few days... ah well. :)
Miguellie cHaRLIE Playful
- 15 years, 6 months, 8 days ago
i just got back from camp like a week ago..and i frigging loved it!! and last night i had the strangest dream concerning a axe-murderer from a marching band who was chaceing me around michigan state with his drum still attached to him and i hid at a friends house (this friend i had never met before, but she was attractive ;) haha and i hid at her house and we started making out in her room and then my mom and some other people fell through the door and they were like "OMGWTF?!?" and I was like "WTF?!OH SHI!!" and the chick i was making out with fell asleep...like she was standing, and all of a sudden just fell over and was out cold 0__o i guess the moral of this story is... chocolate cupcakes are the only ones worth getting at Fox and Obel's...the one im eating now is pritty good :D
Miguellie cHaRLIE Playful
- 15 years, 7 months ago
OMG i just found out VAMPS, my faveorite Jrock band is going to Baltimore but not chicago! WTF? Nobody comes to chicago! xP I will be gone for about six weeks starting saturday. So if you say "hi" and i dont respond, its probably because im not able to access a computer :(
Miguellie cHaRLIE Playful
- 15 years, 8 months, 25 days ago
Mostly sillyness!!
random stuffs! hehe!- i still have to load some crapola though lol
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