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Damien Bezio | - Free online hangout and friends
Corrine Vedder
Corrine Vedder owns this human at 405467 points.


Damien Bezio
"My True Love"

Damien Bezio, 48/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:4:51 PM
Join date:15 years, 11 months, 1 day ago
Location: Keeseville NY 12944 United States

""I am a leaf on the wind...The wind of her Angel wings.""
About me:
I'm just a silly, silly man... I LOVE MY OWNER! ... PLEASE DON"T BUY ME! Making her smile is the reason I'm here. She is the Love of my life. I have waited a long time to find her, and now that I have I belong to her and no one else :) I hope my tales are worth reading, and thumbing :o
About you:
You would be a fun, honest person who can be silly or serious at a moments' notice :) And you must like my owner or I will bite you :o
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Followers of Joss Whedon, Vedder's Super Swarm
Corrine Vedder
Corrine Vedder
800000 pts
Damien's tales
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Damien Bezio
yay for internet \o/
Damien Bezio "My True Love" Adventurous - 15 years, 7 months, 22 days ago
Damien Bezio
Oh how sweet it is to be loved by Corrine

After years of hardship and toil and loneliness and trying to love the wrong people
After weeks of waiting for my new love to free herself from her old life
After all of that

It turns out that love is incredibly easy once you find the right person, and she finds you.
There is nothing left to do but live happily.
Every tender kiss just confirms that we belong together
I love her more and more every minute I see her, and every minute I am away from her.
True love does exist. Corrine and I have found it, and we share it openly as friends, lovers and soulmates. <3
Damien Bezio "My True Love" Adventurous - 15 years, 9 months, 19 days ago
Damien Bezio
Tonight might be the night all my dreams come true.
The night that Sweet Corrine officially becomes my Girlfriend, and ends 10 years of lonely misery that I have been carrying around.
How long I have search for someone to love. So many women I have turned away for not being perfect.
My friends told me that waiting for perfection was a waste of time, and that I will be alone forever unless I settle.
But I don’t settle, I am too honest to pretend, or to be with someone who doesn’t truly deserve me or love everything about me.
But the lovely, beautiful Corrine IS perfect, at least in my eyes. And the person thatshje is, and the type of love she shares, is EXACTLY what I have searched for for so long.
StTrange that I stumbled upon it while looking down in sorrow and not even searching for a way out.
She just appeared, with kind friendship, and honesty.
We connected, we expressed our loneliness and dissatisfaction with our lives.
And in some way we ended up healing each other. Two broken people, sad and depressed, not even wanting to live.
Then we meet, and become close, and we have given ach other so much joy and understanding, things we have always given others but never received for ourselves.
And now she and I share our love, two rapidly beating hearts, finding so much in each other that we can share, and so much that the other gives that we both needed to make us happy, make the world seem right to us.

Tonight all of this becomes real. Solid. Forever!
We will sit in each others arms and just cry all the sadness away, cry tears of Joy that we have found each other and now have begun our new, wonderful lives together.
Corrine is my dreamgirl, possibly my soulmate. How many people get to find their soulmate?
Well we have, and we will make the best of it each and every day of our lives.

Damien Bezio "My True Love" Adventurous - 15 years, 9 months, 22 days ago
Damien Bezio
OUR DAY by Damien Bezio

Saturday May 23rd, 2009
This day that occurred, will always be hers and mine

A day barely planned, we just knew it would be
A very long ride, with no one but she and me
At 1st we were nervous, and of course both had to pee
So we went to a truck-stop, and then bought some coffee

Then south we went on, as the dragon’s breath rolled
We just babbled away, leaving deep thoughts untold

The more south we went, the less nervous we got
So we just kept on going, not having yet picked our spot
Corrine’s so fun to talk to, and I do love her a lot
She is so very special, and she has no idea how hot

We ended up at a mall, in a far away place.
Technically our 1st date, but our love set the pace

We just simply walked around, dragon breath soothing our mind.
We talked about it all, while time continued to wind
We talked about the super-team, of the two of us combined.
Through open honest thoughts, shared goals and feelings were refined

There was a super-store, with all sorts of cool neat stuff
We wanted to buy it all, but our funds were not enough

So we went to a restaurant, cause I always need my food
Strangely we ordered the same thing, because she really is my dude
As our feet touched under the table, I could not help but exude
Our bubbling feelings, were becoming less subdued.

After diner we went back, to the really cool super-store
She was against me spending money, I told her “That’s what it’s for.”

So she got a cool shirt, with a sweet tiger design
And then we went north, as the sun tried to shine
Such an amazing ride home, to wonderful to define
Petting each other, as our fingers intertwine

For many miles we were thus, than we got off of the Northway
And then our hands were parted, until we found a little bay

In Port Henry we got out, and just strolled along hand in hand
Then we sat on the bench, where our love did expand
Melting together in a hug, drifting off to our own land
To be so close and tender, was not something we had planned

I held Corrine so tight, we just seem to fit so well
And in unkown time shared, our love began to swell

The moments that we had, are things of movies and of dreams
And when our eyes did meet, we saw each others’ gleams
There was nothing left to do, so we just had to kiss it seems
Our lips were now the hero, ending all our lonely screams

Forever wouldn’t have been long enough, to continue with that kiss
But we knew our time was short, despite our temporary bliss

So we got back on the road, and held our hands some more
And we talked about the day, when our hearts are free to soar
Such a great day with an Angel I will never cease to adore
I can’t wait for us to share what the future has in store

Damien Bezio "My True Love" Adventurous - 15 years, 9 months, 27 days ago
Damien Bezio
So after our terrific ride on Tuesday she came over to my house Wednesday afternoon. We hung out and just talked silly talk and I know I had a great time, and she assured me she did as well :)
Some of my friends came over, One of my craziest ones and his shy girlfriend, and my other female-friend who I grew up with. They all thought my Love was great, a nice sweet girl I have always deserved. :)
I walked her to the door, and while showing her a bit of my house I suddenly felt her hair against my neck as her head rested on my shoulder. I think she did it without thinking, and then pulled away. But it was a nice moment.
And then we hugged. Our 1st hug, a real hug. I could feel her heart beating, despite mine pounding in my ear.
I did not want to let go, but I knew I would have to. And so I did. And we both smiled, and knew we’d chat or text soon.

She really is a dream come true. My Angel who appeared to me out of a cloud of darkness and dances with me in the moonlight of our minds. Until the future comes, and we are free to soar. I now know what her touch feels like, what her heartbeat sounds like. We have plans, I hope we have fun. She deserves more than I can give right now, But I will give all that I have and am.

I love you so much my Vampire Queen
There is no losing me, I belong to you until you discard me ;)
Damien Bezio "My True Love" Adventurous - 15 years, 9 months, 29 days ago
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My name is miss comfort.I am a female I was impressed when i saw your profile today,i became interested in you,i will also like to know more about you mean while i have something important to discussed with you,and I will like to established a long lasting relationship with you.and if you can write to me with my contact address,i will give you my pictures,this is my address( comfortandrew 78 @ ya hoo . com . sg )I believe we can move from here i am Awaiting for your reply,please contact me directly with my address ( ) distance or colour does not matter but what mfffffffffffffffffffr
janet012baby "J baby wuttttt!" - 14 years, 7 months, 3 days ago
Corrine Vedder
I know you LOVE Football :)
and I dont know much about the game
But I have really come to LOVE
Sundays and Watching FootBall with you :)

an afternoon of football You have been given an afternoon of football.
Crafted by Unknown
Corrine Vedder "Awesomstein" I LOVE DAMIEN - 15 years, 5 months, 24 days ago
Corrine Vedder

Steelers For Superbowl!!!! You have been given Steelers For Superbowl!!!!.
Crafted by Unknown
Corrine Vedder "Awesomstein" I LOVE DAMIEN - 15 years, 5 months, 24 days ago
Corrine Vedder

Steelers You have been given Steelers.
Crafted by Wolfie
Corrine Vedder "Awesomstein" I LOVE DAMIEN - 15 years, 5 months, 24 days ago
Corrine Vedder

GO STEELERS! You have been given GO STEELERS!.
Crafted by Stone
Corrine Vedder "Awesomstein" I LOVE DAMIEN - 15 years, 5 months, 24 days ago
Corrine Vedder

Here We Go Steelers! You have been given Here We Go Steelers!.
Crafted by Annie
Corrine Vedder "Awesomstein" I LOVE DAMIEN - 15 years, 5 months, 24 days ago
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Damien's shop

Things I have collected and/or manipulated

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the many faces of the Sun
1 use

200 pts
the many faces of the Sun
Bought by 5 people
slithering over to see you
1 use

200 pts
slithering over to see you
Bought by 14 people
the world
1 use

250 pts
the world
Bought by 2 people
an empty world
1 use

250 pts
an empty world
Bought by 3 people
the flames within
1 use

200 pts
the flames within
Bought by 1 people
eyes that watch for eternity
1 use

200 pts
eyes that watch for eternity
Bought by 3 people
a song for my Owner
1 use

200 pts
a song for my Owner
Bought by 5 people
a song for my Pet
1 use

200 pts
a song for my Pet
Bought by 10 people
A stalking Dragon
1 use

250 pts
A stalking Dragon
Bought by 11 people
as adorable as you
1 use

150 pts
as adorable as you
Bought by 8 people
Kolossal Kittens
1 use

150 pts
Kolossal Kittens
Bought by 8 people
#1 Pet Award
1 use

150 pts
#1 Pet Award
Bought by 11 people
my owner makes me jump for joy
1 use

200 pts
my owner makes me jump for joy
Bought by 20 people
my pet is Da Bomb!
1 use

155 pts
my pet is Da Bomb!
Bought by 17 people
kiss me before I explode!
1 use

200 pts
kiss me before I explode!
Bought by 10 people
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