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Mystic Bard
"O raro un"

Mystic Bard
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Mystic Bard

My Life

You can't live my life,

You can't know my life,

You can't feel my life,

As my life is a mirror,

A reflection of who I am,

I worry not about today,

The past is how I made myself,

Through thought and love and kindness,

I wake up breathing in the miracle of life,

As that life is reflected in your eyes,

The eyes of angel and of a child,

Needing and always needing a bossom to hold,

It matters not who's eyes just someone that is there,

The child will always cry, fear, love,

As children are a reflection in a mirror,

They know your life,

They will never forget your life,

And they will feel everything around you,

Through a child's eyes you will see Hope,

Any old hope will do,

As children are the miracle you breath in when you wake up,

No one can ever take that away,

I make this prayer so that I may understand

What is to be a child again and not just the Mirror.

The future is yet unwritten,

As the child walks away with an hour glass in hand.
Mystic Bard "O raro un" Calm - 15 years, 9 months, 20 days ago
Mystic Bard
Angel's Song

I maybe beaten and bruised, easily confused,
In the night, trying to find light,
But not ashamed to stand and fight,
Pass the tests I know is always right,

Angel this is my song.

Song of the weak and the abused,
The people easily unamused,

Angel these are my words

I call to you as friend, hoping to make amends,
I accept you for who you are, even from afar,

Angel this is my pain

Bound and chained, hoping to be free again,
I fear to look around again, no way to fly,

Angel this my call

I forgive all that is and all that was,
Peace to you and all that you love,

Angel this is my prayer

For you to be home again is what I seek,
So that you can be refound,

Angel here are my arms

To hold and never let go,
Even too weak to do so,

Angel this is my heart

Never to be broken apart,
I just hear your words of sadness,

Angel these are my dreams

Awake you speak little, in dreams you speak volumes,
I still see you smile, happy in another's arms,

Oh Angel please do not fear, Dry away your guilty tears,
This is not goodbye but good,cause know I live on,
And remember I am strong, I am still here,
Even when you have gone, I am reborn,
And do not be surprised to see me again,
Cause Angel I always walk the path of light,

This is my song, hear it, feel it, live it

Mystic Bard "O raro un" Calm - 15 years, 10 months, 1 day ago
Mystic Bard
I Melt

I have just closed the door to my home,
I thaw from the cold outside,
Thoughts of you keep me warm,

With you I feel comfortable and safe,
I can see your smiling face still,
Caught like a still frame in my mind,

Please forgive my awkwardness,
As I am blown away in awe by you,
The accomplishments and beauty unbound,

Mother, fighter, dancer and more,
I can only stand in wonder,
Where the grand journey of you will go,

I do look forward in seeing the joy,
Your eyes alight in finishing your hopes,
Conquering your life’s dreams,

It is you I have enjoyed my time with,
Shared smiles with,
Forgetting worries of the world with,

As you have touched many with kindness,
You have but just to call,
I will do what I can for you always,

I will try harder to listen,
I look forward in learning more,
Letting things go where they will,

Until then I keep your smile,
To keep the cold away,
And my heart melts instead,

Mystic Bard "O raro un" Calm - 15 years, 10 months, 7 days ago
Mystic Bard
Moonlight Guardian

I stand in the shadows in constant watch,

I am the strong, silent strength you never see,

I am the steadfast pillar, always ready to guide,

I chase the fear, worry and, pain away,

I am the soul searcher, loyal patience,

I always hunt those who would harm you,

I am the tenderness that keeps you warm in the darkest hour,

I am a fighter, a lover, a seeker of joy

I am the gatekeeper to a thousand dreams for which you are the key,

I am there always, just for you, the mirror of your soul

I am yours,

Moonlight Guardian

Mystic Bard "O raro un" Calm - 15 years, 10 months, 20 days ago
Mystic Bard

I sit in the corner with tears in my eyes,
A voice, your voice sobbing on the inside,
Streams burn tracks in a painted face,
Memories caught in a blanket soft and warm,
All the pain and fear, washed away in silence,
Words reach the surface, don't touch me,
I'm lost inside and it is the tears that hides,
The crying heals the soul, no more pain felt,
A the screaming, fighting, lies, subsiding,
A sense of loss,drifting to peace,
A hand offered to guide to comfort,
Friends gather around supporting,
With dried eyes looking at hope,
I smile in the corner, tears gone,
Mystic Bard "O raro un" Calm - 15 years, 10 months, 20 days ago
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grace andrew

by grace

Dearest one, My name is grace,

I am very happy to view your profile here today,

as I'm interested in knowing you.

reply me through my private email address at

( )

so that i can write you and send you my picture. Yours truly grace

write direct to my email ok

dont write at the site ok
grace andrew - 10 years, 10 months, 8 days ago
Ladi Lai

*I'm your Master now* You have been given *I'm your Master now*.
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Ladi Lai "Submissively Shy" - 15 years, 8 months, 18 days ago
Licks You have been given Licks.
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thumbs ya! You have been given thumbs ya!.
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CriZZ "BC lady" Serene - 15 years, 8 months, 26 days ago

Freedom Wings You have been given Freedom Wings.
Crafted by Matt Hebert
CriZZ "BC lady" Serene - 15 years, 8 months, 28 days ago
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