Tales. Another word for blogs. Which I admit...I loathe blogs. I don't want to waste my time reading someone's daily diatribe of muddled thoughts and opinions. I usually play online games and chat on the games, but wanted more interaction. A
friend...CyberChum0101 mentioned trying some social networking sites. It was my daughter who showed me a few sites, before I decided on HumanPets.com.
Facebook...Forget it. Don't want to add friends who have been long forgotten or forgotten about me. If they were good friends then we would have stayed friends. Besides, its kinda creepy. Adding friends you never knew existed until the friend requests appear.
Snapvine, which I see a few people have here. Talk about scary! People recording over their phones everyday, talking about whatever, no matter how trivial. Nobody really listens to your boring, long, monotonous speeches you record everyday! They either subscribe to you because they are family, or they want you to subscribe to them.
Twitter...Twalk about a bunch of twits and twats! No one cares what their tweeps are doing every twecond of the day! Well...maybe twalkers. Twahahahaha. Who cares that your twoop plugged the twoilet? Your lives are boring and twupid.
HumanPets...I will try HumanPets. A few interesting concepts. Varying levels of activities. Quick interaction. Chat. Shop. Herds.. Oh...tales! Boring people like myself can spew long, monotonous drivel that no one wants to read! Twa hahahahaha
Paul Stretch Armstrong "TITUS BALSAC" Calm
- 15 years, 11 months, 15 days ago