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a boy named Pseu | - Free online hangout and friends
Sarah-jane owns this human at 330750 points.


a boy named Pseu
"My Siren x"

a boy named Pseu
Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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a's tales
a boy named Pseu
Amazing amor astonishes an angelic analysis but beware
Beautifully bent be careful 'cuz cupid can cause concussions
Creating cuddly cute dreams dealt down dumbly
Don't delve deeply: energetically evolving & elevating
Enormous events forecasted from fools: future fantasies,
Fast & free gladly greet great goings
Gone happily hooraying horrid heroines
Hurry in illusions in infrared
It’s just jubilant
Just keep kite-like
Kudos, lovingly lapping love
Lurking murking making mean machines
Mechanical moves made nefariously near
No, not on ours!
Only prey & predators
Please pray quickly
Quicksand reaching round
Roses resting [RIP] softly & sweetly
Stones touched telling torrid tales
This tale understood usually
Unlike vampires vacationing
Veraciously without want
Xpect you
You’re young

a boy named Pseu "My Siren x" Calm - 14 years, 9 months, 4 days ago
a boy named Pseu
It hurts because I no longer feel
I must be dreaming because nothing seems real
I'm afraid because I have no fear
I feel so far away because I can't have you near
Who could have left me so cold
What have you left of us, for apart we will grow old
When if ever will our eyes meet again
Where are you now as I put words to this pain
How can I put these thoughts away, what can I do to refrain
It builds up within me like a desert storm
I fight it, but the the lighting rips down breaking me from my calm norm
I'm tortured inside time's infinite loop, and I feel forever torn
I am like a pheonix burnt and reborn
a boy named Pseu "My Siren x" Calm - 14 years, 11 months, 13 days ago
a boy named Pseu
Each game has a name;
Each has those with control and those who are tame'd.
Power is so blissful who can be blame'd?
A show,
of hands who hasn't laugh'd at misfortune.
I am not so sure I can dance to this tune.
a boy named Pseu "My Siren x" Calm - 15 years, 11 months, 28 days ago

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always xx
I'll keep the lights on for you You have been given I'll keep the lights on for you.
Crafted by a boy named Pseu
Sarah-jane Tired - 10 years, 11 months, 9 days ago

Come Find Me ;)) You have been given Come Find Me ;)).
Crafted by Denise Rose
Sarah-jane Tired - 12 years, 1 month, 8 days ago
hey gorgeous just dropping by to say hey :) xx
Sarah-jane Tired - 12 years, 11 months, 26 days ago

I'll keep the lights on for you You have been given I'll keep the lights on for you.
Crafted by a boy named Pseu
Sarah-jane Tired - 13 years, 1 month, 18 days ago

So happy to see you!! You have been given So happy to see you!!.
Crafted by Neola Amaya
Sarah-jane Tired - 13 years, 2 months, 26 days ago

Love you You have been given Love you.
Crafted by Unknown
Sarah-jane Tired - 13 years, 2 months, 26 days ago
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its the only way to shop.

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